ColdBox Developers Week 2014 Recordings
Check out our session recordings for another succesfull ColdBox Developers Week 2014.
Day 1: Sep 22, 2014
ColdBox 4 Flyover
101 general overview of Coldbox 4, its features, and ecosystem.
* the core MVC and conventions of Coldbox
* what is/is not included in Coldbox 4
* intro to main Box libraries and how they integrate into the core
* perhaps show off some basic CommandBox usage in the Box ecosystem
Basically, an entry level, concise run thru. The kind of talk that would be accessible/educational for a new Coldbox user, helpful refresher for intermediate users, and a decent promo for those interested in maybe picking up Coldbox for the first time.
Intro To ContentBox Modular CMS
ContentBox is an open source modular content application written in CFML that will provide you with blogs, cms, wiki and more. Built on the solid ColdBox Platform and ColdFusion ORM foundations, ContentBox can be extended using modular architecture instead of conforming to a standard application API. Based fully on conventions, event-driven programming and ColdBox modules, your content can scale and customizations now become trivial. Extend and scale based on industry standards and think outside of the box!
Behavior Driven Development with TestBox
he natural way to develop software is to start with requirements - the expected behavior - of the system. We work our way through design to implementation and somewhere in there we write tests. Unit testing focuses on implementation, even if you write the tests first. Behavior-Driven Development lets you write the expected behavior in a testable format so that you can develop software outside-in, in a natural manner.
Intro To CommandBox: The ColdFusion CLI, Package Manager, and REPL Tool!
CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that will provide you with a Command Line Interface (CLI) for developer productivity, tool interaction, package management, embedded CFML server, application scaffolding, and some sweet ASCII art. It seamlessly integrates to work with any of the *Box products but it is also open for extensibility for any ColdFusion (CFML) project as it is also written in ColdFusion (CFML) using our concepts of CommandBox Commands. CommandBox also functions as a package management tool which integrates seamlessly with ForgeBox, our community of ColdFusion (CFML) projects, but can also integrate with git,svn,http, ftp and many more code endpoints. Come learn about one of the coolest tools for CFML in years and how it can help your everyday productivity.
Day 2: Sep 23, 2014
Advance Website Search Techniques Using Apache Solr & Google CSE
The goal of this session is to explore what can be done with CFSearch but expand what can be done with Apache Solr where CFSearch leaves off. However, both systems will never have the same level of searching options as Google Custom Search Engine can do. I will explore how to get an internal search up and running within ColdBox, then how to jump outside of the box and expand to Solr Search for advance searching and sort. And finally use the power searching capabilities of Google and how to overlay Google's CSE information with Apache Solr's real-time information. Basically taking search within Coldbox to the next level providing custom searching, sorting, and real-time data access. Several assumptions
* you know how to setup a solr search
* you have a public facing website that is indexed by google
* you know how to get data into CFSearch or Solr Search Problems to solve
- Google provides the best searching options however it will never be real-time enough to satisfy most needs.
- By use of Apache Solr's JSON search engine - data can be spliced together providing the best of both worlds!"
Customizing ContentBox With Themes and Modules
Learn to customize ContentBox as we explore custom layout creation, admin theming, and module creation/installation. We will take a detailed look at integrating your site theme into the admin CKEditor for better WYSIWYG page editing as well as deep integration of your modules into the ContentBox admin tools.
NoSQL Development With Couchbase and CMFL
NoSQL document stores are reinventing the way we design our databases and cache layers. Couchbase server is a unique offering with unparalleled performance, automatic replication and failover. In this session, we'll talk about how to get started with Couchbase using the open source CFML SDK as well as native caching via the Railo Couchbase Extension.
Profile And Monitor with ProfileBox
This session will cover how to tune your Box applications with our ProfileBox module that ties your apps performance metrics right inside of FusionReactor.
Day 3: Sep 24, 2014
MockBox: get ready to mock your socks off!
Mock what? What Mock? Learn What is Mocking, and how to use Mocking with ColdFusion testing, development, and continuous integration. Look at Mocking and Stubbing with a touch of Theory and a lot of Examples, including what you could test, and what you should test… and what you shouldn't test (but might be fun).
ColdBox RESTFul Services
Do you want to build a solid, robust API that you can build your snazzy mobile app or fancy new web app on? ColdBox RELAX (REstful tools for LAzy eXperts) can be your new best friend. Built upon the solid ecosystem of the ColdBox framework and integrated Box services, ColdBox RELAX can help you construct a solid, expandable, maintainable, and vigorous API for all your modern web application needs. Come learn how to build Relax APIs in this session and see how web applications can benefit from RELAX, the Box ecosystem’s RESTful services.
Package Management & Automation With CommandBox
CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that will provide you with a Command Line Interface (CLI) for developer productivity, tool interaction, package management, embedded CFML server, application scaffolding, and some sweet ASCII art. It seamlessly integrates to work with any of the *Box products but it is also open for extensibility for any ColdFusion (CFML) project as it is also written in ColdFusion (CFML) using our concepts of CommandBox Commands.
CommandBox also functions as a package management tool which integrates seamlessly with ForgeBox, our community of ColdFusion (CFML) projects, but can also integrate with git,svn,http, ftp and many more code endpoints. Come learn about one of the coolest tools for CFML in years and how it can help your everyday productivity.
ColdBox 4 Modules
In this session we will discuss the theory behind ColdBox 4 Modules, how and when to use them, why they are important, and how they can change how you architect your applications. We will also look at the ins about outs of creating modules and discuss some of the challenges associated with building them. So if you are new to ColdBox Modules or if you have already started down the path of modular architecture, this session if for you.
Day 4: Sep 25, 2014
Dependency Injection: Wiring Up For The Future
In this session we will cover the basics of DI (Dependency Injection), why you need it in your object oriented toolbox, and the theory behind DI. We will then venture into how to apply DI principles into our applications using WireBox and look at the features and benefits of WireBox.
Migrating to MVC: Converting Legacy Code
Learn how to "think MVC" while bringing your code into the present day. Taking a step-by-step approach, we'll cover the basics of handlers, views, plugins, interceptors and models. We’ll also cover a handful of security issues that have come to light since your legacy code was first created and how to address them with ColdFusion and ColdBox.
ColdBox i18n
This presentation will provide base i18N definitions and will demo i18N support in ColdBox platform by creating an i18N ready application from scratch. You will be amazed how easy it is to create an multilingual application by using ColdBox.
Building ContentBox Modules
A key to building extensible and well-organized apps is to think modularly. Not only does this provide a nice separation of concerns in your code, but it also provides high portability and can enable community collaboration. In this session we will discuss the theory behind ContentBox Modules, how and when to use them, why they are important, and how they can change how you architect your applications. We will also look at the ins about outs of creating modules and discuss some of the challenges associated with building them. So if you are new to ColdBox/ContentBox Modules or if you have already started down the path of modular architecture, this session if for you
Day 5: Sep 26, 2014
Bonus Session: Railo 5 And Beyond
Gert sharing about the exciting future of Railo including what we have to look forward to in Railo 5.
Say Goodbye To "It works on my machine" with Chef and Vagrant!!!
Learn what Vagrant and Chef are and how and why you would use them. We will look at how using automated environments lets you develop quicker and more easily. We will take a look at some of the options for setting up various stacks (NGNIX vs Apache, ACF vs Railo, CentOS vs Ubuntu) and how you can quickly compare stacks using Vagrant and Chef combined. Discuss how to use the same Chef recipes to set up production environments.
Down The RabbitMQ Hole With ColdFusion
In this talk I will introduce attendees to the basics of messaging queues, their goals and applications from CFML. Messaging enables software applications to connect and scale. Thus, providing applications to connect to each other as components of a larger application, or to user devices and data. Messaging is asynchronous, and can decouple your software concerns with ease. However, messaging is much more than the traditional publish/subscribe patterns but also the ability to create work queues, routing and much more.
ContentBox Modular CMS 2.x Overview
An overview of ContentBox Modular CMS 2.0 and what's coming down the pipe.
Using a ColdBox Module To Connect To The Google Analytics API
* Setup a Google Project to connect the Google Analytics API
* Setting up an oAuth 2.0 account
* Downloading and setting up the Google API jar files
* Adding your parameters to connect to the GA API
* Connect now through oAuth.
* Print Report