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Connection Tomorrow: CacheBox: Tuning Your Application

Luis Majano |  June 08, 2011
Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be holding another ColdBox Connection with Aaron Greenlee presenting on CacheBox: Tuning Your Application.  I'll walk through a production application and demonstrate some different caching situations while under a load test.

Some come and join us for ...
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ColdBox Connection Recording: Unit-IntegrationTesting and More

Luis Majano |  May 26, 2011
We just had a great connection regarding unit testing and integration testing and so much more.  Gave a sneek peak into ColdBox 3.1 and some cool WireBox AOP coming along.  So here are the details:

ColdBox Connection ##6: Unit, Integration Testing and More


In this episode, Luis Majano discusses the upcoming 3.1 release with AOP implementations. Also, our basics surrounding
unit testing, tools of the trade, integration t...

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ColdBox Connection Tomorrow: Testing & Mocking

Luis Majano |  May 25, 2011
Just a quick update that our ColdBox Connection tomorrow is at the same time and location (10AM PST).  We will be doing more hands on testing, mocking and open forum surrounding testing.  Hope to see you there!  You can also check out our connection recordings archive.


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ColdBox Training Coming To Texas in July

Luis Majano |  May 18, 2011

Just a reminder that we will be in Houston, Texas from July 6 to the 8th to deliver two awesome courses:

CBOX101 - Core ColdBox
Course URL:
Course Datasheet:

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ColdBox at the Los Angelese User Group Tonight

Luis Majano |  May 04, 2011
Just a quick reminder that we will go to the Los Angeles User Group tonight and present on ColdBox Platform 3.0.  So if you want to stop by and get some ColdBox goodies, learn about ColdBox, meet some cool developers and just plain' ol geek hangout! Then see you there:
5959 W. Century Blvd.
Suite 1111
Los Angeles, CA 90045-5475...
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ColdBox CFObjective Training Registration Ends Sunday!

Luis Majano |  May 02, 2011

This is a reminder that our pre CFObjective training for ColdBox and WireBox dependency injection ends this week.  We have some crazy discounts for this week only, so better get them while they last:

We will be holding two trainings:

CBOX100 - A 2 day intense course that will cover the ColdBox Platform and some great ha...

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Connection Recording: Logging with LogBox

Luis Majano |  April 28, 2011
Thanks to Brad Wood for presenting in our ColdBox Connection on a most excellent topic: Logging with LogBox.  If you ever wanted more than cflog or cffile is capable off, you have to see this webinar.  It will showcase all the features of LogBox for you for usage in any ColdFusion application or ColdBox applications.

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2 more weeks cfobjective ColdBox training

Luis Majano |  April 25, 2011
This is a reminder that our registration for our pre-cfobjective ColdBox training is only open for a few more days and only a few seats are left.  The courses we are offering are:
  • CBOX100 : Intro To ColdBox A great place for you to start with your ColdBox MVC development.
  • CBOX202 : WireBox Dependency Injection Do you want to learn about dependency injection, object de-coupling, messaging? Then t...
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ColdBox Simple MVC Recording

Luis Majano |  April 15, 2011
Yesterday, we presented in our ColdBox Connection an introduction to ColdBox and Simple MVC via conventions and nothing more.  Hopefully, this connection video can introduce you to the simplicity and elegance of conventions.  Below you can see the link to the recording and also the source code of the application we built.

ColdBox Connection Schedule Change

Luis Majano |  April 12, 2011
Just a reminder that our ColdBox Connection Show will be delayed by 1 hour and will start every Thursday bi-weekly from 10:00 AM PST - 11:00 AM PST. You can find more information and recordings at our connection page:
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