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Welcome ContentBox v1.5.2

Luis Majano |  May 14, 2013

We are so proud to announce another major milestone in our software, v1.5.2.  This release has definitely been a world collaboration event as we joined forces to completely update the Administrator UI and fix over 50 different tickets.  So big thanks go to Curt Gratz, Seth Engen, Brad Woord, Richard Mckenna, Joel Watson, Andrew Scott, etc.  You can find all about the release in our

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ContentBox v1.5 beta intro video

Luis Majano |  May 02, 2013

Here is our video of our ContentBox connection today featuring our new responsive admin UI and so many goodies. Enjoy!


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Introducing our 2013 Support Plans

Luis Majano |  April 27, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our 2013 ContentBox Ortus Support plans.  We have completely revamped and recreated our plans to not only offer better pricing, but also a monthly plan as well.  We have also created some new plans to offer great pricing and availability for Team ContentBox to do custom development for you. That's right! We can help code your projects and even be part of your coding team.

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ContentBox Connection Thursday

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2013

Just a reminder that this Thursday we will have a ContentBox connection to review the major functionality of ContentBox version 1.2.0 and sneek peeks at our upcoming version. Remember that our ContentBox Connection is a FREE bi-weekly seminar focusing on ContentBox and technology.  See you there!

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ContentBox v1.2.0 via Railo Extensions

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2013

We just updated ContentBox to version 1.2.0 as a Railo extension.  So any Railo powered server can now enjoy ContentBox with a few clicks.

Step 1: Log in to the web administrator of your Railo server

Step 2: Click on the Applications Menu item

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ContentBox v1.2.0

Luis Majano |  March 29, 2013

We are happy that we are at it again and released version 1.2.0 of ContentBox Modular CMS.  This release is definitely huge in magnitude with over 50 tickets resolved.  We are also hard at work in our next sprint which will include lots of new goodies plus our initial documentation and UI change pushes.  So expect a lot more in the coming months as we pick up steam.  You can view our release notes in our new documentation pages to see all the changes and fixes.  Below we will focus on the major features of this release.

Security Checker

ContentBox now checks your installation for potential security risks and allows you to take action.  It also uses the OWASP AntiSamy plugin in ColdBox to sanitize all user input from XSS attacks.

Global Search

ContentBox now sports a fancy Global Search for all kinds of content in your box :).  You can easily search from anywhere in the admin for Content, Custom HTML, Blog Entries, and even users.

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ColdBox Connection On ColdBox ORM And ContentBox Contest Winners Announced

Brad Wood |  December 17, 2012

Everyone, we have an exciting ColdBox Connection scheduled for tomorrow, the 18th.  First, we'll be announcing the winners of our ContentBox Christmas Contest.  We're super excited about the submissions we received.  They're all out on ForgeBox already waiting to be installed and played with. 


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Ortus Products Available As Railo Extensions

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce the availability of all our major products as Railo Extensions today.  Railo is an incredible open source ColdFusion engine that supports all of our products with 1 click installs.  The extensions that we have made available starting today are:

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Railo Extensions Released!

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce now the availability of ContentBox as a Railo extension.  So any Railo powered server can now enjoy ContentBox with a few clicks.

Step 1: Log in to the web administrator of your Railo server

Step 2: Click on the Applications Menu item

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