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ColdBox GroovyLoader 3.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 06, 2013

Thanks to team member Sana Ullah, we have upgraded our Groovy Loader project to version 3.0.  This version includes several updates like it sports a new interceptor called GroovyStarter that you can configure in your configuration file and the entire groovy environment will wrap itself and become available in any ColdBox 3.5 application.

Not only that, but now you can also add any amount of java and groovy library locations and the plugin will load them at startup into your application.  These libraries can be Spring, Hibernate, Apache Commons, etc.  Finally, what good is a project without documentation, so we now have the project fully documented:

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ColdBox Platform v3.6.0 Released!

Brad Wood |  February 26, 2013


We are proud to announce ColdBox Platform release version 3.6.0 and ColdBox DevBox 2.3. This is an important minor release that addresses many important issues, but also introduces some great enhancements. There are no compatibility updates needed and here are our "What's New" guideline:

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Railo Extensions Released!

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce now the availability of ContentBox as a Railo extension.  So any Railo powered server can now enjoy ContentBox with a few clicks.

Step 1: Log in to the web administrator of your Railo server

Step 2: Click on the Applications Menu item

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Railo Extensions Released!

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce now the availability of ContentBox as a Railo extension.  So any Railo powered server can now enjoy ContentBox with a few clicks.

Step 1: Log in to the web administrator of your Railo server

Step 2: Click on the Applications Menu item

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ColdBox LITE is here!

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2012

We are so proud to announce our general availability of ColdBox LITE!  Hmm, what is ColdBox LITE?

ColdBox LITE (CBL) is an MVC framework with a subset of features of the ColdBox Platform that deal with MVC only. Thus, providing a light-weight conventions based MVC framework. Since ColdBox itself is built with modularity, CBL was the last piece we wanted to decouple from the platform to provide yet another standalone library for ColdFusion. CBL focuses on providing developers a light weight MVC engine in two flavors:

The ORM flavor includes all of our ORM additions such as Active Entity, ORM base and virtual services, Hibernate criteria and detached criteria builders and ORM Dependency Injection. CBL also includes WireBox as the standard engine that provides access to the model, dependency injection and persistence.

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ContentBox Utilities 4 Adobe CF Builder

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2012

Our engineering team is proud to introduce our ContentBox Utilities extension for Adobe ColdFusion Builder IDE.  This IDE is an incredible IDE for ...

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Come Check Out ColdBox Lite Tomorrow at Noon CST and Learn How to Win a Kindle Fire

Brad Wood |  November 13, 2012

I want to make sure everyone knows about the special ColdBox Connection meeting scheduled this Wednesday at Noon CST.  We'll be unveiling ColdBox Lite, a new way to have excellent MVC conventions for small projects without worrying about depth of the full ColdBox Framework.  What's best, is that you can graduate up to full ColdBox at any time with a single line of code in your Application.cfc.

If that isn't enough to get you there, what if I told you there's also...

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ContentBox Express Has Arrived!

Luis Majano |  November 13, 2012

We are also proud to announce our ContentBox Express edition powered by Railo today!  The express edition of ContentBox allows you to just download our engine, click startup and you are ready to roll with ContentBox.  It includes an embedded database and fully open source stack to get your project started in no time.  So what are you waiting for, download ContentBox E...

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ContentBox Express Has Arrived!

Luis Majano |  November 13, 2012

We are also proud to announce our ContentBox Express edition powered by Railo today!  The express edition of ContentBox allows you to just download our engine, click startup and you are ready to roll with ContentBox.  It includes an embedded database and fully open source stack to get your project started in no time.  So what are you waiting for, download ContentBox E...

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ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 13, 2012

ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0 has now been released sporting an awesome new datasource and db installer that will make installing ContentBox a breeze, mobile layout detection, layout inheritance, new UI actions and so muc...

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