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ColdBox Quick Docs Released

Curt Gratz |  July 07, 2011

The ColdBox Quick Docs are released for your use.  They allow you to quickly search any of the ColdBox Platform APIs.

We have also released the module used to run the quick docs to ForgeBox



Basic Requirements: 

  • Coldbox 3.1.0
  • Autowire Interceptor enabled.
  • SES Interceptor enabled.



Grab the Module and place it in the Modules Directory.



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ColdBox Platform Utilities 2.7 released

Luis Majano |  June 23, 2011
Since we already did several major releases yesterday, why not another one today.  ColdBox Platform Utilities extension for Adobe ColdFusion Builder version 2.7 is now available via the auto-update features or just download it from ForgeBox.  This new release updates all templates...
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ColdBox 3.1.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 23, 2011

Welcome to ColdBox 3.1.0 NEAR-JAMES 4:8, our latest ColdBox release. This release really brings home all the features we launched in 3.0.0, from rendering capabilities, performance, to WireBox enhancements and a fully sported AOP library. All of our major libraries have been updated with fixes and launches of their own:

  • LogBox 1.6.1
  • WireBox 1.2.0
  • CacheBox 1.2....
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WireBox 1.2.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 23, 2011

In the spirit of more releases, please welcome WireBox 1.2.0 to the playground. This is a nice release that sports tons of fixes and tweaks for our dependency injection framework, but finally sports our complete AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) Implementation.


  • metadata override of CacheBox properties so they are available in introspection
  • cache=false was n...
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CacheBox 1.2.1 Released

Luis Majano |  June 23, 2011

Welcome to another release of CacheBox version 1.2.1. This small update includes some great fixes for your CacheBox installations

  • 1193 JDBCStore table creation fix (incorrect username and password)
  • 1197 monitor.cfm needs <cfoutput> inside reportHeader variable for cachebox reporting on standalone mode
  • 1237 CFProvider places to much trust in ObjectStore Lookup Calls, it delegates to CF ...
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LogBox 1.6.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 23, 2011

Welcome to another release of Logbox, the enterprise ColdFusion logging library, version 1.6.1. This small update includes some fixes and 1 new appender.

  • 1196 file,async file appenders need to recreate directory locations when removed

  • 1234 new AsyncDBAppender to do asynchronous DB logging...
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WireBox AOP is here!

Luis Majano |  June 02, 2011
After much hard work our WireBox AOP Engine is finalized and will be released shortly.  You can test drive it by using our development github branch!  We have concentrated ourselves in simplifying Aspect Oriented Programming and have fully documented our AOP engine....
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ColdBox Platform Utilities v2.6 Released!

Luis Majano |  May 16, 2011
Version 2.6 of our Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension is now available.  This extension leverages more features about extensions from cfbuilder 2 that will blow your mind.  From having our debuggers embedded in builder, to documentation search views, ORM entity modeling and CRUD generation, to ForgeBox connectivity.  So do an auto-update or just
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New ColdBox Wiki Docs

Luis Majano |  April 06, 2011
We have been wanting to update all our sites for a long time and the docs where first. Yesterday we updated our codex skins for the coldbox wiki docs and also started our documentation revisions and updates. You will see that it is now much much better organized and our new quick index feature enables you to get to content even faster. Hopefully in the coming weeks we will have all our docum...
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ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 Released

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2011

I am so happy to finally announce ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 today on March 3.0, 2011. It has been over a year of research, testing, development, coding, long long nights, 1 beautiful baby girl, lots of headaches, lots of smiles, inspiration, blessings, new contributors, new team members, new company, new hopes, and ambitions. Overall, what an incredible year for ColdFusion and ColdBox development. I can finally say that this release has been the most ambitious release and project I have tackled in my entire professional life. I am so happy of the results and its incredible community response and involvement. So thank you so much Team ColdBox and all the community for the support and long hours of testing, ideas and development.

ColdBox 3 has been on a journey of 6 defined milestones and 2 release candidates in a spawn of over a year of development. Our vision was revamping the engine into discrete and isolated parts:

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