I think that a standard is arising on the way a method is injected with a request bus. My naming was requestContext and I believe mach-ii and fusebox use both event. I think it would be benefitial for developers for me to change this to event. What are your thoughts on this? This would help if a developer wants to switch from one framework to another or doing a transition, if some of the similar elements shared in an MVC framework can remain the same. I a...
ColdBox on IRC, come and chat with us, ask anything!
Thanks to Mr. Charlie Griefer, we just set up the ColdBox IRC channel. You can connect to it via DALNET and then just join the coldbox channel. I will be mostly connected at night (Pacific Time). This channel is to promote more live responses from the ColdBox community. You will be able to ask me any questions about ColdBox and more of the veteran ColdBox users will also log in and share ...
What do You think about ColdBox?
I know this is late, but I have been swamped at work, so things have been slow.
Sean Corfield has blogged about ColdBox, over at http://corfield.org/blog/index.cfm/do/blog.entry/entry/ColdBox and does a mini-review on it. He also asks ColdBox users to give their opinions on why they chose Coldbox? Why they like it? etc?
Some people...
ColdBox 2.1.0 wishlist, what do you want?
As ColdBox has gathered steam and continues to do so, development for the 2.1.0 release has already begun. We are also in need of your observations and suggestions. We have gotten several wishlists and feature requests that will be implemented for version 2.1.0
...ColdBox needs Designers or CSS Masters for Error Template!!
This is a call to designers or CSS masters. I am currently modifying the error template for ColdBox and need a new design and layout. If you are interesting in taking on this task and helping out, then please download the attached zip file and do your magic. The only requirements is that it needs to be css and look attractive. The attached file contains a style sheet and the Bug Report file. The report gets both rendered and emailed. No images can be used, just color combinations and effec...
ColdBox license agreement on logo, web assets, documentation and more
I have updated the ColdBox license agreement for logos, web assets, documentation and much more. You can find it here: http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi/wiki/cbLicenseAgreement The license agreement describes the frameworks Apache 2 license and the updated license for all the content, logo, web assets and documentation, THEY ARE TWO SEPARATE ENTITIES AND LICENSES. So please check it out, so y...
Submit your ColdBox sites, applications, and companies
If you have a company, website or application built on ColdBox, please submit it to this post or at info@coldboxframework.com so it can be placed at our new wiki page at : http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi/wiki/cbSitesUsed So please reply to this post with your company name, websites, or applications built.
...NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Adopts ColdBox, why shouldn't you? Plus, More news.
I got word today that I could post this story, so here it is. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has adopted ColdBox for their web application development on several projects. This is very good news for the ColdBox and ColdFusion community as more and more companies are adopting ColdBox as their framework and software toolkit.
In the Xmas Spirit: What do you want for ColdBox & The ColdBox Dashboard?
Now that 2.5 is out and the Dashboard 2.2.2 is also out, what do you expect for further releases. Russ Johnson joined team ColdBox and he is brining a tons of new ideas and funky stuff that will blow your mind. But apart from those, what are your expectations on ColdBox? What do you want from this framework AND toolkit!! More plugins? More interceptors? More GUI releated ideas? More debugging tools? What? Also, what are your thoughts on the Co...
CF.Objective ColdBox Hands On, Need your Input!!
I am super excited to be able to be part of CF.Objective this year. I attended last year and it was an incredible conference. If you have not registered for it, please do. Now, I need your input on what exactly to show on the hands on session. Below is my outline of what I would like to show. However, if you have a specific idea on the topics below, please comment.