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Ortus PDF v1.0.0 Lucee Extension Released

Luis Majano |  March 14, 2016


We are extremely excited to bring to the masses our PDF extension for Lucee CFML server. This has been in the works since the Railo days and we have finally spiced it up to release it publicly. So what exactly does the Ortus PDF extension do? I am glad you asked. Let's check this extension out.


The Ortus PDF Lucee Extension adds to any Lucee engine the missing PDF capabilities you were longing for and enhancing some PDF capabilities as well. The extension contains several new CFML built-in tags and functions (coming soon) that will help you manipulate and work with PDF documents. Our extension is completely documented and professionaly supported via our Ortus Support services.

Implemented Tags:

  • cfpdfform
  • cfpdfformparam


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