New ColdBox Plugin: JS Calendar

ColdBox Spry Plugin 2.0 Released

Ernst van der Linden of Team ColdBox has just released another update to his ColdBox Spry Plugin . It looks even sharper and more detailed than before. The samples demo
Spry and ColdBox, what a great combination!

Ernst van der Linden has just finalized his Spry Plugin for ColdBox and it totally rocks. It really simplifies the usage of Spry within any ColdBox application. Not only that, but he has compiled an incredible demo application that...
Ernst has done it again: ColdBox WebChart3D Plugin!

Ernst has done it again! Good job! He has just released his ColdBox WebCharts3D Plugin and it really rocks. So if you are interested in adding webcharts3D functionality to your ColdBox applications, you can do so with ease. Also, webcharts3D is included in ColdFusion.
New ColdBox Plugin: rssReader, get it from the code depot.

I have completed a very cool rssReader plugin for the next installment of ColdBox. This is a stand alone plugin that I would like the community to try out and see if it would make sense to add it to the core plugins list for version 2.6.
What is so special on this plugin?
- Uses a file caching technique by serializing/deserializing the rss structure into bytearrays.
- The file cache is configurable and has an exposed API for you to use.
- One standard format for RSS or ATOM feeds
- ISO86901 and RFC822 Date Formatting and parsing. All dates are translated to standard coldfusion date strings. No need to translate or parse.
- Easily to configure via your coldbox.xml.cfm
- Ability to return feed items as a query or array of structures.
Those are some of the features of this plugin. The plugin is built using a cfhttp method, so its compatible with cf7 and cf8. Anyways, take it for a spin and let me know your thoughts on it. Especially if you think the plugin would be beneficial for the next ColdBox version 2.6
New ColdBox Plugin: rssGenerator, get it from the code depot.

I have just posted a new plugin for ColdBox called rssGenerator. You can download the plugin pack from the code depot. This plugin is based on the idea of coldfusion 8's cffeed but for any CFMX engine. It will take a standardized structure and convert it into an RSS 2.0 feed. Also, since cffeed offers a capability called column mapper, then so does this plugin. You can pass an optional structure that maps your query's columns to the feed's standard names. That way, you can aggregate any query by just mapping its columns to the feed. Soooo easy!!
In most cases, a database table uses column names that differ from the column names you must use to create the feed. Therefore, you must use the columnmap attribute to map the input query column names to the required column names.
SELECT * FROM orders
ColdBox Beta 2 + Dashboard + New Plugin Pack Update

I have just updated the bits for ColdBox 2.6.0 Beta 2. This update includes tons of fixes on caching, request context optimizations, var scoping fixes, sample application updates, flex tester upgrade, dashboard windows compatibility, mxunit generation, performance updates and a new Cheat Sheet. Phew!! What a week getting ready for CF. Objective. The other update is for the extra downloads,
Simple CSS Based Graphing ColdBox Plugin

Russ Johnson, of team coldbox, has just released his new graphing plugin based on CSS. The plugins looks awesome and so simple to use. Thanks Russ!! You can download the plugin here.