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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 3 - GitHub Integration

Snuggle up with a warm cup of eggnog (if you're into that sort of thing) because here comes the 3rd installment of our 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas aimed at lifting holiday spirits and empowering developers! Today we look at the sweet GitHub integrations we offer!
The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 2 - Working Offline

Today we continue our 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas series aimed at bringing warmth, holiday cheer, and useful information to a cubicle near you. CommandBox does a lot of things online for you. It connects to ForgeBox, the CFML package repository, it downloads CF engines to start servers, and can even update your packages to new versions. This is great when some Starbucks Wifi is in reach, but what about at 30,000 ft or working on the road. You still need to be able to start up servers, install dependencies, kick butt, and take names (all in the Christmas spirit, of course!). Here are some clever tricks to keep you working even when the network is unplugged.
The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 1 - Network Proxy

At Ortus we love the holidays and we figured the best way to get you in the Christmas mood was to share the gift of developer productivity this year. That's why we're doing a 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas this year to send you into the new year with some clever tricks you can use as leverage when asking for your raise!
Network Proxy
Love to use CommandBox but your network admins require you to use a company proxy for all your internet traffic? This can give you weird errors any time you try to install packages, search ForgeBox, or start up an Adobe server. That's because each of those items requires you to connect to the Internet.