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ColdBoxReader at RIA Forge

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just opened the announcement of ColdBoxReader. A coldfusion based RSS reader that comes included with the ColdBox Bundle. I will be separating this project and enhancing it according to community needs. So please give your opinions and suggestions on this project. As of now, it is part of the ColdBox project and will continue in its same timeline. The link is So please enjoy and bring me your comments and ...

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta is out. Come and get it.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Finally you can test drive the up and coming ColdBox 1.2.0. There are so many improvements and enhancements to list here. Below is a sample of the readme. The most notable improvements are IoC integration (coldspring/lightwire), ColdBox in-memory caching manager for event handler caching, plugin caching, custom plugin caching and custom data caching (Event template caching is coming...). The cache is unique, since it displays in the debugging panel the effectiveness of the cache in hits and...

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Download Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I had forgotten to extract some documentation from the compatability guide that is no longer in play for the beta. If you have started to read the guide, please do so now. I have updated the wiki and the pdf in the download.

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta Build 446 is now available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just updated the forums to include the latest beta build of ColdBox 1.2.0 - Build 446. So please Click Here To Get It All the know issues for the previous build have been resolved and more extra features have been added. The documentation has been rolling along and I have updated a major part of the Trac wiki. I will be updating a special guide on caching....

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ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 477 is ready for download + more!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well ladies and gentleman, another beta build is ready for usage. This beta is stabler than ever and introducing the pre/post handler features. The naming conventions have been re-done and slowly but surely the documentation keeps getting updated. Every day new content is placed in the wiki and will be finalized soon. So please keep checking the documentation. Another neat feature is that a google search has been added to the

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ColdBox Firefox-IE Search Plugin. Come and Get it!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

You can now have the full framework documentation search right on your browser. Head over to to get the OpenSearch Plugin. With this tool you will be able to search all of the framework's documentation right off your browser. Pretty nifty hugh!! Well, enjoy and thanks again. God Bless UPDATED: The download had a wrong URL. You can try to install it now. This only works for ie7 and firefox.

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ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 493: This one is for BlueDragon fans!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, Ladies and Gentleman, another beta roundup. This beta includes FULL BlueDragon Support as of version 6.2.X So all you BlueDragon users and fans, this one is for you!! You can take a look at the following link for some know issues which have to do with external apps out of my control: ColdBox System Requirements I also changed the registration mechanisms to a more java oriented recursion and it w...

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ColdBox 2.0.0 RC 1 Now Available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, we are almost there. I am releasing today the release candidate 1 of ColdBox 2.0.0. You can get the bits from by clicking here This new build includes the following: 1. Complex Settings via the config.xml. You can now declare arrays and structures inline using {} and [] notation. Ticket Here |

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ColdBox 2.0.0 Final Release is here, Come and Get it!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, ladies and gentleman, after several months of hard work, 2.0.0 release is here. It has so many features, fixes and stability it will blow your mind. This is also the first release to include the newly enhanced ColdBox Dashboard Application (Separate License) that is a companion application to the framework. [Please read the FAQ for more information]. Below I describe all the changes for this release, ...

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ColdBox 2.0.0 Linux Fix Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

A small typo on my part would make some case sensitive OS's caput on the requestService due to my mispelling of the "requestContext" I had typed "RequestContext", anyways, the zip has been updated with this small correction. Please download if you are getting weird behavior on case sensitive OS's. Sorry for the inconvenience. Luis off to Cf.Objective()

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