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Railo 2.0 and ColdBox!! A great Combo!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

If you have not heard about Railo, then you should. It is an excellent CFML engine and best of all, the pricing on it is awesome. ColdBox is fully supported under the new Railo 2.0 and let me tell you, it FLIES!! Railo on itself is an incredibly fast CFML engine. You add ColdBox to the mix and you have a powerful combination. You can go here and find out more information abo...

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ColdBox needs Designers or CSS Masters for Error Template!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

This is a call to designers or CSS masters. I am currently modifying the error template for ColdBox and need a new design and layout. If you are interesting in taking on this task and helping out, then please download the attached zip file and do your magic. The only requirements is that it needs to be css and look attractive. The attached file contains a style sheet and the Bug Report file. The report gets both rendered and emailed. No images can be used, just color combinations and effec...

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Bi-Weekly ColdBox Development Update!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well another two weeks go by and work keeps piling up. However, there where several steps forwards with ColdBox this past two weeks. I have been toying with the new website concept and have spent most of my time back in Fireworks and Art Director's Toolkit. Ahh the world of design, how hard are thee!! Anyways, there are several things to report and how progress continues. Also, Compatibility Guide for 2.1.0

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Miami here I come!! Vacation Time, Sorry No ColdBox Dev.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Sorry guys, no ColdBox development for about a week and a half!! The wife requires it, now that we are going to Florida for a brothers reunion. So DON"T BOTHER ME!! Have a great week.

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ColdBox Docs now include cache information.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I updated the ColdBox docs api to include ColdBox cache metadata information. It was an easy addition and a great one. Now you can use this to actually document your handlers if you wanted and get the extra ColdBox metadata javadocs style. Below you can see a screenshot. docs cache The project used is CFCDoc and can be found at To do the metadata update if you use this great project, you will need to open the doctemplate.cfm found in the templates folder. Look for the following line of code:

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ColdBox 2.5.0 Beta 1 is now available!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well ladies and gentleman, a new era of ColdBox is here and its called ColdBox 2.5.0 : Romans 8:32

This is a major step forwards for ColdBox and I am proud now to announce all the new features (some are left out for beta 2, hush hush). The new Dashboard is still in construction and not included in this beta. The sample applications are unfinished also, but 2.5.0 compliant.

Here are two new guides and the documentation will start its updating cycle starting today:

Compatibility Guide:

New Interceptors Guide:

New Request Context Decorators Guide:


You can find the download in the forums.



Fixes, Updates and New Features for 2.5.0 : Romans 8:32

- #135 Application.cfc Support, Application.cfm + index.cfm combo still supported but will be deprecated by the 2.7 version. Please update your apps to use the included Application.cfc.

- #163 Project Interceptors : You can now intercept calls in over 12 execution points of a user request,

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ColdBox Beta 2: Flex/AIR Integration

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, my secret project is out of the bag today. I have been working in embedding a remote proxy into ColdBox in order to enable remote applications like Flex and AIR to communicate with ColdBox and provide an event model for our model. If that makes sense!! Well, so what do we get? This feature lets you create an event driven model that can easily be called from any flex/air application. Not only that, but you can reinitialize the entire application, get settings, and yes, announce custom or core interceptions. You can create custom interceptor chains for your model that can be executed asynchronously when a user hits a save record button for example. The possibilities are endless. Not only that, but this enables you to actually create two front ends using the same reusable ColdBox and model code. The code is the same, you create event handlers, you interact with a request collection, with core and custom plugins, but you don't set views or layouts because the framework is now a remote framework for your model. So what do you do, well, return data, arrays, xml, value objects. Anything, right from withing the event handlers.

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ColdBox Nightly Builds now available!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Thanks to Rob Gonda., ColdBox now has nightly builds. You can download the nightly build from the following location: I have added the information to the wiki and will be updating the other locations soon. The task runs at 12:00 AM every day. When you unzip the build, you will see a build...

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Down & Dirty With ColdBox 2.5.0 - Who, What, Why? at the ColdFusion Meetup next Thursday

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I will be presenting at the ColdFusion meetup group next week Thursday. So please check it out: I will be presenting on the up and coming 2.5.0 release, so new features and sneek peeks will be shown. So Please RSVP!!

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ColdBox 2.5.0 RC 1 updated, please download fix.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have just updated three critical fixes on the RC1 bits that I forgot to include in my script and on my tests. The fixes encompasses the following: 1) Applications running off a root where not registering the handlers property. This has been solved. 2) The multi-threaded logger for coldfusion 8 and bluedragon 7 has been updated with the correct attributes that where missing. 3) The multi-threaded cache manager for coldfusion 8 and bluedragon7 has been updated with the correct attributes ...

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