ITB 2017 - Speakers Are The Key To This Conference - Speaker Summary 2

Ortus Solutions' very own conference, Into the Box conference, has expanded in 2017, from 1 day of conference content, to 2 days of conference content + 1 day of workshops. We are hosting Into The Box 2017 in Houston Texas in April. Wednesday the 26th has 5 great workshops, Thursay April 27th and Friday 28th is 2 full days of great conference sessions, with 2 tracks to choose from... over 30 sessions.
We are so excited to finally unveil the schedule lineup for our Into The Box conference.
ContentBox 3 is a big step forward for us, as we have discussed during our month long roadshow... and in todays technological state, we can't talk too much without mention Mobile apps. This Friday, July 22nd 2016, at 11 Central, Scott Steinbeck will be leading a webinar on ContentBox + Mobile, to give you an overview of how he designed the Into the Box app for our conference in St Paul MN in June, written with Ionic and ContentBox.
Thanks to Adobe, we just announced a cool little developer contest and you can win a FREE pass to this year's Into The Box Conference - June 14th, 2016 in Minneapolis. Just check out the official Contest Entry, Code, and Win!
We are so excited to finally unveil the schedule lineup for our Into The Box technology conference. We have over 15 speakers from around the world and over 20 sessions around technology, software craftsmanship and many of our Ortus products. We are also excited to try a new format for our aftern...