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ColdBox Training in Dallas Early Bird Ends Soon!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2009
It is getting close to our Dallas ColdBox training and we still have seats available.  The early bird special pricing ends October 18th, so hurry now before our promotion ends.  For more information about our event, head out to our event page.


Core ColdBox is our 2-day flagship in...

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ColdBox ColdFusion Builder Extensions v1.2 Released

Luis Majano |  October 13, 2009
The ColdBox Platform Utilities version 1.2 for Adobe ColdFusion Builder is now available.  We have also documented its features and installation in our favorite wiki.

This release adds some fixes when using ...
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ColdBox 3.0.0 Beta 2 Updated, Critical Fixes

Luis Majano |  October 10, 2009
I just committed two critical fixes to the 3.0.0 Beta 2 core.  I have also updated the download bits, so I recommend downloading the new bits to have these following fixes applied:

  1. ColdBox cache was not purging object metadata successfully, thus making the cache do unecessary object recreations once objects expired.
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ColdBox ColdFusion Builder Extensions Released v1.1

Luis Majano |  October 07, 2009
As if it weren't enough, here is our last release of the week, our ColdBox Platform Utilities version 1.1 for Adobe ColdFusion Builder.  We have also documented its features and installation in our favorite wiki.
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ColdBox 3.0.0 Beta 2 Released!

Luis Majano |  October 07, 2009
In spirit of releasing more stuff, here is our next milestone for our 3.0.0 release Beta 2.  This beta keeps in spirit of innovation of the 3.0.0 series, but please note that if you are upgrading from previous releases you will need to follow our compatibility guide in order to get your application 3.0.0 compatib...
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MockBox RC 1 Release!

Luis Majano |  October 07, 2009
MockBox RC1 is now released!  This release adds some simple syntax fixes and cleanup of the core code.  We are also preparing...
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LogBox RC 2 Release!

Luis Majano |  October 07, 2009

LogBox has been updated with some fixes and updates to the configuration to make it more flexible when configuring programmatically.  It also now has an added relaxed way to declare category levels within XML...
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Some ColdFusion Development Best Practices

Luis Majano |  October 05, 2009

We always are trying to help the ColdFusion community as much as we can.  We had a CFC best practices document in our ColdBox documentation site in order to steer developers in the right direction when building components.  I have updated the document to now include more topics than just CFCs.  So if you are interested in collaborating to this document or think some points are useless, please comment and we can make this document better.

So here are our ColdFusion Development Best Pra...

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ColdBox Eclipse Plugins Online!

Luis Majano |  October 04, 2009
I just uploaded the ColdBox Eclipse Documentation plugins online for sharing with the community.  You can find all the SVN access information in our SVN access page and below.  This way, the community can contribute to our simple eclipse plugins.

ColdBox Eclipse Plugins

The eclipse plugins contains three folder repositories:

  • org.coldbox.apidocs
  • org.cold...
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ColdBox Workshop at the IECFUG

Luis Majano |  October 03, 2009
This is just an announcement that I will be running a ColdBox Workshop on October 15th at our CFUG meeting in Cal Poly Pomona.  Here is a brief description:

Come and kick start your ColdBox development with this introductory
workshop. We will cover the basics of ColdBox 3.0.0 and how to develop
sustainable ColdFusion applications.

So head on over to the iecfug website to ...
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