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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Debugging Servers

Brad Wood |  July 24, 2018

Learn how to debug your servers when they won't start with CommandBox 4.  

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Interactive Jobs

Brad Wood |  July 17, 2018

Learn about the new interactive job UI in CommandBox 4, where you can find it, and how to use it in your own Task Runners and custom commands.

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Multiselect Input

Brad Wood |  July 10, 2018

Learn about the new interactive multiselect input control in CommandBox, where you can find it, and how to use it in Task Runners and custom commands.

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - History

Brad Wood |  July 03, 2018

Learn how to better search and access your console history in CommandBox 4.

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CommandBox 4.1.0 Released

Brad Wood |  June 26, 2018

Close on the heels of our big CommandBox 4.0.0 release, we have a small update we've released today: 4.1.0.  This release is mostly to fix a couple small bugs in the 4.0.0 release, but it does have a few new features in it, so we've bumped a full minor version instead of just a patch release.

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Tab Completion & Syntax Highlighting

Brad Wood |  June 26, 2018

Learn about new improvements to tab completion and syntax highlighting in the REPL and shell in CommandBox 4.

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Server Log Files

Brad Wood |  June 19, 2018

Learn about how server log files are improved in CommandBox 4 for rewrites, access logs, and your servlet out log.

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - Task Runners

Brad Wood |  June 15, 2018

Learn about Task Runner improvements in CommandBox 4.0 CLI for CFML and ColdFusion

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What's New in Commandbox 4 - 256 colors & Bullet Train

Brad Wood |  June 06, 2018

Learn about using 256 color support and the CommandBox Bullet Train module in this new screencast.

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CommandBox 4.0.0 Released

Brad Wood |  June 01, 2018

Today we are very pleased to announce the final release of CommandBox 4.0.0.  This has been one of our most ambitious releases and closed more than 70 tickets over 6 months of development and testing.  

This release has gone through a month of testing that created two release candidates.  A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped provide feedback.  There are a lot of new features and libraries in 4.0 as well as a major overhaul of many of the UI aspects of the CLI. 

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