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BugLog and ColdBox

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Tom de manincor has another interesting tutorial on how to integrate BugLogHQ into his ColdBox Applications. So go read it here.

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ColdBox Training Seminar FAQ Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

We have updated the Seminar FAQ with more valuable information regarding the 2-day seminar. Please visit our training section for more information and online registration.

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ColdBox Dreamweaver hints updated its an MXP now

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Thanks to Aaron Roberson and massimo foti, the dreamweaver hints for coldbox have been updated to an MXP file that will do all the installation for you in both PC and MAC. Very cool!! Not only does it have syntax highlighting, but tag highlighting and lots of plugin highlighting. That one alone is making me consider to switch to it. Anyways, enjoy and please thank Aaron for maintaining the snippets. You can down...

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ColdBox Training Seminars Early Bird Pricing ends in 18 Days

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

There are only 18 days left for the early bird pricing of the ColdBox Training Seminar in Dallas, Texas on October 4th and 5th. You can also register online NOW by visiting our training registration page.. Also note that space is limited to 15 attendees, so get your reservations in before July 31st and save more than $200.

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ColdBox at the Boston CFUG

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I had the privilege of presenting at the Boston CFUG last night on the glories of ColdBox. I was cordially invited by mi friend Brian Rinaldi, so first of all, thank you very much Brian for inviting me to speak. It was a very cool presentation showcasing all of the 2.6.0 features, the methodologies behind it and some very cool examples. I showcased a flex app talking to a coldbox application and using the c...

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ColdBox Eclipse Help Plugins Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Due to the ColdBox 2.6.0 release coming this weekend, the ColdBox eclipse plugin has been updated to reflect the latest API and documentation. So please update to get the latest help and be ready for the release. I have committed some final bug fixes and updates to the repository and hopefully nothing more will pop up until release this Sunday. Thank you for all your input and for making 2.6.0 a great release. If you have any pending issues on 2.6.0, please make sure to send them to me AS...

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ColdBox 2.6.0 Final Release is now available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

ColdBox 2.6.0 is finally out and in final release. You can now download it from the downloads section of the website.  This has been a much anticipated journey and it would have not been possible without all the collaboration from contributors, team members and the community. It would take so many lines to thank everybody, but for this release I want to thank Sana Ullah for a TREMENDOUS amount of work and dedication to th...

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Simple CSS Based Graphing ColdBox Plugin

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Russ Johnson, of team coldbox, has just released his new graphing plugin based on CSS. The plugins looks awesome and so simple to use. Thanks Russ!! You can download the plugin here.

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New ColdBox Addons - Transfer Config Factory and Transfer Decorator Injector Observer

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am releasing today a set of addons for ColdBox-Transfer interactivity:

  1. TransferConfigFactory.cfc : A factory cfc that produces transfer configuration objects based on ColdBox Datasource configurations. This is thanks to Tom de Manincor
  2. TDOBeanInjectorObserver.cfc : A transfer observer based on
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Early Bird Pricing on ColdBox Training ends in 4 days!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

The early bird pricing for the ColdBox Training Seminar ends in 4 days, so get to it and register online.

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