We are excited to bring you another release for cbSecurity v2.4. This update gives you access to our cross site request forgery module: cbcsrf
, which will enhance your securing abilities.
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# Install install cbsecurity # Update update cbsecurity |
What's New With 2.4.0
This release adds the inclusion of the Cross Site Request Forgery module into cbsecurity: cbcsrf. You can find all the details about this module here: https://github.com/coldbox-modules/cbcsrf. Below are the major features of this module:
- Ability to generate security tokens based on your session
- Automatic token rotation when leveraging cbauth login and logout operations
- Ability to on-demand rotate all security tokens for specific users
- Leverages cbStorages to store your tokens in CacheBox, which can be easily distributed and clustered
- Ability to create multiple tokens via unique reference keys
- Auto-verification interceptor that will verify all non-GET operations to ensure a security token is passed via rc or headers
- Auto-sensing of integration testing so the verifier can allow testing calls
- Token automatic rotation on specific time periods for enhance security
- Helpers to automatically generate hidden fields for the token
- Automatic generation endpoint that can be used for Ajax applications to request tokens for users
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