We are announcing today a contest that will really give you some nice additions to your holiday presents, a cool Kinlde Fire and an iPod nano! This contest is available to all you ColdFusion folks or non-ColdFusion folks that can now have an excuse to try ColdFusion and ColdBox, create a cool application and win big! So here are the rules:
ColdBox 3.5.0 BETA Modules Contest
Create a ColdBox 3.5.0 module that is a fully functional application that can be portable for any ColdBox 3.5.0 BETA application. Here are some guidelines the ColdBox team will be evaluating the module on:
- Download ColdBox 3.5.0 BETA
- The code must reside on either github or a public repository so it is publicly accessible
- The user must create a forgebox entry and submit the module code to it: http://coldbox.org/forgebox
- The more internal libraries it uses the more points it gets: LogBox, MockBox, WireBox, CacheBox
- The module should do something productive, no say hello modules accepted
- If you create unit tests, integration tests, the more points you get
- You are encouraged to use ColdFusion ORM to get more points
- If you use our new ColdBox Hibernate Criteria Buidler, you get more points
- Make use of any of the cool new ColdBox 3.5.0 Beta features: http://wiki.coldbox.org/wiki/WhatsNew:3.5.0.cfm
- Best practices on MVC separation of concerns
- Portability
- Documentation (You had that one coming!!) as it might need DB setup or DSN setup
- Must use either: Adobe ColdFusion 9, Railo Latest or Open BlueDragon 2.0
- Be creative!
- Make sure it works!
- * Shipping is included for USA, UK and certain parts of Europe.
Deadline: Module entries must be submitted by December 16th December 18th no later than 11PM PST to contests@ortussolutions.com
Winners Announced on December 19th, 2011
1st Prize
2nd Prize
So that is 3 weeks from now folks, so get to it, coding starts now!
ColdBox Newbie?
If you are a beginner to ColdBox and need direction we have an incredible amount of resources for you and here are the best places to start:
- Become part of our mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/coldbox this is the best place to get help!
- ForgeBox is an incredible repository of plugins, interceptors, tools, etc: http://coldbox.org/forgebox
- If you use ColdFusion Builder (Which we recommend! You can also use the free express version, yes free!) we have the ColdBox Platform Utilities extension that makes ColdBox development really easy!
- Have our API quickdocs bookmarked or use the ColdFusion Builder extension to have them searchable right from within Builder: http://apidocs.coldbox.org/
- Look at our entire video learning library: http://vimeo.com/album/1649497
- Installing ColdBox well, we need to install it right!
- ColdBox Overview so you can get an overall feel of the platform
- Application Directory Structure & Conventions
- Event Handlers
- The Request Context
- URL Mapping & Rewriting
- Layouts and Rendering in ColdBox
- Then you can get as fancy as you like: http://wiki.coldbox.org/
- Good luck!
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