This is our current beta 3 tickets: but more have been completed and an update on this will be done once our migration is complete.
Some enhancements not yet ticketed:
- Ability to now return simple data from event handlers in MVC mode and they will be rendered on the screen. This gives in the ability to create reusable rendering events or viewelets by just rendering events: #runEvent('viewlet.X')#. This also encapsulates the viewlet call and can even make the viewlet be rendered via Ajax or in a portlet. (ColdBricks anyone!)
- New XML Application loader that will load ColdBox applications that are configured via XML.
- Preliminary CFC Application loader that will have the ability to load ColdBox applications with no more XML (YEEEEHAAA!!), full CFC goodness! (Not yet functional)
- The ColdBox cache is now know as "cboxCache" and has a new configuration element: EvictCount which defaults to 1. This means that when the cache evicts objects from the cache due to limits or thresholds it can evict a count that you set.
- The MailService plugin is now fully functional for Railo, Open BD and CF.
- The ColdBoxExtensionsLocation is now a setting that can be configured in your application file. This setting points to a folder where you can drop plugins and internal ColdBox services. These plugins will now either override CORE coldbox plugins or be available via "getPlugin()" calls. The services are not yet operational but will give you the ability to extend the core framework via internal coldbox services which include even an internal coldbox event model.
- The majority of plugins and interceptors have been updated to leverage LogBox for logging capabilities and can be configured via the ColdBox configuration file.
- Includes LogBox 1.0
- Includes MockBox 1.0
- Overall stability and performance improvements. Our load tests indicate a startup improvement of 15-20% and a overall request improvement of 15%.
- Stay tuned as ColdBox 3.0.0 continues with its milestones. Expect another milestone release by the end of the year!
Here are some ticketed items:
- #748
- SES can now be configured to use logbox debugging using its class category
- #866
- Refactor Utilities plugin into more granular existing plugins. This will need a compatibility check as some methods will be moved to their accompanying utility objects.
- #872
- New annotations for Integration Testing components: appMapping, configMapping, coldboxAppKey, loadColdbox
- #878
- new setting for coldbox extensions location: ColdBoxExtensionsLocation
- #879
- update bean factory metadata parsing to accept cfproperty with no type defined so it defaults to the default DSL marker
- #881
- addAsset() is now XHTML compliant
- #882
- flash RAM not keeping objects for web flows, but now it does
- #883
- expirations and clearing are note affecting metadata on cached elements.
- #886
- ses convention name value pairs not setting blank values for the first convention name value pair only
- #887
- remove purgeView() calls, they don't make sense anymore as all this is done via the cachemanager
- #889
- antisamy update to use appendPaths() instead of setting itself up.
- #892
- environment control not loading per environment interceptors
- #893
- review FORM/URL testing on unit testing cases, resolved
- #894
- wrong path for the MockController in the base test case, wrong path is TestController
- #896
- fix for boolean values not coming out as true or false in JSON conversions
- #897
- new interception point: preProxyResults that will execute before the coldbox remote proxy returns results to a caller via the process() method.
- #899
- new plugin anotation: autoInit = [boolean=true] so you can disable auto calling of the constructor
- #900
- new renderData() arguments for setting header info: statusCode, statusText
- #901
- cf9 serialization/deserialization issues when dealing with object serializations, not converting to/from binary
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