We are announcing today a contest that will culminate with our ColdBox 3.0.0 release. We have partnered with our friends at Computer Know How to bring you this cool contest for all you ColdFusion folks or non-ColdFusion folks that can now have an excuse to try ColdFusion and ColdBox, create a cool app and win big! So here are the rules:
ColdBox 3.0 Modules Contest
Create a ColdBox 3.0.0 module that is a fully functional application that can be portable for any ColdBox 3.0 application. Here are some guidelines the ColdBox team will be evaluating the module on
- Download ColdBox
- The code must reside on either github or a public repository so it is publicly accessible
- The user must create a forgebox entry and submit the module code to it: http://coldbox.org/forgebox
- The more internal libraries it uses the more points it gets: LogBox, MockBox, WireBox, CacheBox
- The module should do something productive, no say hello modules accepted
- Best practices on MVC separation of concerns
- Portability
- Documentation (You had that one coming!!) as it might need DB setup or DSN setup
- Be creative!
- Make sure it works!
Deadline: Module entries must be submitted by March 29th EXTENDED: April 8th, 2011 no later than 12PM PST to contests@ortussolutions.com
Winners Announced on March 30th EXTENDED: April 14th, 2011 The ColdBox Connection show at 9AM PST
1st Prize
- An Adobe ColdFusion 9 Standard License
- $100 Amazon Gift Card
- Six pack of "BrewFather" beer
2nd Prize
- A ColdBox Book
- A ColdBox T-Shirt
- $25 Amazon Gift Card
- Six pack of "BrewFather" beer
So that is 3 weeks from now folks, so get to it, coding starts now!!
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