Congratulations are in order as our very own ColdBox turned 14 years old! The framework that we know today has been under constant development since its inception on June 2006. What started with a set of reusable code and tools that are used to increase development productivity, now has become a whole universe!
Our ColdBox Platform is composed of several internal standalone libraries that can be used with any CFML Framework or none at all. From WireBox to CacheBox to LogBox, our modules help address most infrastructure concerns of typical CFML applications. Now we are proud to say that some users “don't develop any piece of CFML software in [their] company without ColdBox at all. It's a policy..."
Throughout the years we have a proven track record of stability, reliability, scalability, all while providing expert and professional support and training courses. We have also published a number of documentation books to help guide you throughout our expanding world.
That’s why we can’t wait for what’s to come! We are always improving, always modernizing, to ensure you have all the tools you need to become a CFML expert. Here at Ortus Solutions, our goal is to empower developers like you, so that our ColdBox universe as well as our CFML universe, can keep on expanding! Cheers!
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