2020-01-28 Weekly News - Episode 38
Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/-hsrt4hebUM
Listen online or on your Favorite Podcast Player: https://cfmlnews.modernizeordie.io/episodes/modernize-or-die-cfml-news-for-january-28th-2020
Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Brad Wood - CommandBox Lead for Ortus Solutions
News and Events
ColdFusion PreRelease Alpha Starting
We have heard a rumor that emails for the Alpha are being sent out.
If you haven’t signed up for the Pre-Release please do. All the feedback from the community helps to shape the product and test it.
ITB 2020 Workshops Announcements and Pricing
The workshops for ITB 2020 have been decided.
We announced last week we were offering 2 days of workshops so now you have options.
You can take one of our offered 2 day workshops:
ColdBox Zero to Hero - Gavin Pickin
ColdBox Hero to SuperHero - API Edition - Luis Majano
Or you could take 1 day workshops on both days or just 1 day.
Day one:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
Intro to Quick ORM - Eric Peterson
Day Two:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
CBElastic Search - Eric Peterson
Troubleshooting Common CF/Lucee Server Challenges - Charlie Arehart
Round 1 of the Speaker Acceptance emails have gone out, so we’ll be announcing speakers next week as we get the confirmations. We have a lot of great content.
ITB 2020 Pricing
4 Days - 2 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $749 Early Bird ( normally $999 )
3 Days - 1 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $599 Early Bird ( normally $799 )
2 Days workshops only - $699 Early Bird
1 Day workshop only = $399 Early Bird
2 Day Conference = $399 Early Bird
Ortus Solution Webinar this Friday - cbInertia
Friday, January 31st, 2020 CST 11:00 A.M. CST (GMT -6:00)
Presented by Eric Peterson
Register today: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Qkf-ypqjoi1m-pPfQVvnguc_sgb8USqA
CF Live Coding
Michael Born and Gavin are working on a live coding series, where they are going to build a ForgeBox package, to let you participate in the Monthly code challenge. Follow along and see how they build it, pair programming, live on YouTube.
Aiming for Weekly on Wednesdays 7pm EST / 4pm PST
Michael’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClrzJNofMlYZDqnEHzobRTA/live
January 15th Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FniyMOiRR2E
January 22nd Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2oka5hoLAg
CFML Live on CodeWars
CodeWars is a cool site for practicing/training to improve your coding skills. Gavin uses the site for JavaScript often and it would be awesome if CFML was available too.
There is an API so we could tap into this and build some cool CFML tools related to this, as well as have another great training tool for new and experienced CFML Developers.
After a lot of tweets, retweets, and a blog post, lots of thumbs up, Codewars now has CFML as well.
Gavin’s Live Coding Challenge
So Gavin likes this live streaming thing, so he started a daily challenge for himself, to do a daily kata on CodeWars, and stream it live. So follow him on Twitter for the live stream notifications, or watch after the fact on his YouTube. The first few were Javascript, but since CFML has been accepted now, he will mix it up and do some javascript and some CFML.
Adobe CF Summit East 2020
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm *Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cost: Complimentary
Save the date to join Adobe and Carahsoft for our interactive Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2020 to exchange ideas, inspiration, and experiences among fellow designers, developers, strategists, and thought leaders alike.
Adobe ColdFusion delivers a single platform to rapidly develop, deploy, and manage scalable, high-performing web and mobile enterprise applications — enabling agencies across the U.S. to embrace futuristic technologies with ease.
Information: https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/CFSummit2020/Custom?name=About%20the%20Summit
Register: https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/Event/Details/138812-webevent
Adobe CF Summit East 2020 Workshops
Adobe - ColdFusion Specialist Certification POST Conference
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
*Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cost: $499.00 USD *early bird discount
$699.00 USD *after February 29, 2020
Description: The Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Program is a full-day certificate classroom program, delivered by top Adobe ColdFusion experts. You will be enrolled into the course as soon as you register and will receive course instructions and prep materials two weeks prior to the on-site program date. Following the training you will complete an online assessment – upon successful completion, you will receive your Adobe ColdFusion Specialist certificate.
Information: https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/CFSummit2020/Custom?id=3408
Register: https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/Event/Details/141641-webevent
Ortus Solutions - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - Pre Conference
MON, APR 20, 2020, 9:00 AM – TUE, APR 21, 2020, 5:30 PM EDT
Price: $899
In this 2-day workshop you will learn how to build a secure and scalable ColdFusion MVC application. We will design a twitter like application (SoapBox) and build it using the most popular ColdFusion MVC Framework: ColdBox. We will design the client in UML and then build it using object orientation, database migrations, fluent query builders and then secure it using our rule engine: cbSecurity. We will also leverage behavior driven development (BDD) to build the entire client using a feature-test-driven approach.
Modernize your skills and applications with modern techniques and tooling.
Blog Post: https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/build-secure-mvc-coldfusion-applications-pre-cfsummit-east-2020-workshop
Register Now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-secure-mvc-coldfusion-applications-pre-cfsummit-east-2020-workshop-tickets-89653442861
Into the Box 2020
May 5-8, 2020 | Texas - 2 Days of Workshops
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Into The Box 2020 tickets are up for sale now! To thank you for your loyalty, our #SuperEarlyBird all access pass will be $200 off the original price and you can select your workshop once the schedule is published #ModernizeOrDie
Register now: https://intothebox.org/
Call for Speakers: CLOSED - Announcing speakers soon
Buy 2019 Videos: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/itb2019/
ITB 2020 Pricing
4 Days - 2 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $749 Early Bird ( normally $999 )
3 Days - 1 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $599 Early Bird ( normally $799 )
2 Days workshops only - $699 Early Bird
1 Day workshop only = $399 Early Bird
2 Day Conference = $399 Early Bird
Into the Box 2020 Workshops
We announced last week we were offering 2 days of workshops so now you have options.
You can take one of our offered 2 day workshops:
ColdBox Zero to Hero - Gavin Pickin
ColdBox Hero to SuperHero - API Edition - Luis Majano
Or you could take 1 day workshops on both days or just 1 day.
Day one:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
Intro to Quick ORM - Eric Peterson
Day Two:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
CBElastic Search - Eric Peterson
Troubleshooting Common CF/Lucee Server Challenges - Charlie Arehart
Feb 19-21 2020 ATLANTA, GA
Luis and Brad will be there.
AUSTIN, USA • MARCH 2-4, 2020
DockerCon 2020
This will now be a virtual Conference
More conferences: https://confs.tech/
Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week
Blog - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - Using CFConfig to apply Government STIGs to ColdFusion servers
I wanted to highlight a recent project I help a client out with, where we used CFConfig to help automate the process of applying government STIGs to ColdFusion servers. A STIG, or Security Technical Implementation Guide, is meant to standardize the process of setting up and auditing secure servers. If you manage servers in a government or corporate setting, you may be familiar with this. If not, you should still be automating your locks downs anyway, so keep reading.
Blog - Ortus Solutions - First Webinar of the Year to Feature cbInertia
To start off the year on the right note, we have decided to continue our webinar series with a talk on cbInertia. In this presentation, we will take a look at what apps Inertia is a good fit for, go through setup and usage, and take a look at a demo application to get a feel for the framework.
Blog - WebApper - ColdFusion to Lucee Migration: A Primer
Adobe ColdFusion is a (still) popular web application development environment that uses a tag-based scripting language (ColdFusion Markup Language, AKA CFML) to build modern web apps quickly. CFML also has CFScript, which enables developers to use a syntax like JavaScript for many operations. Many large companies choose ColdFusion because of it’s scalability, security, reliability and rapid development capabilities. On the downside, users are often faced with modernization challenges and high licensing costs. Enter Lucee, an open-source replacement engine that is highly compatible with Adobe ColdFusion (ACF). Nearly all CFML/CFScript code that runs on ACF will run on Lucee without modification. If you’re considering a Lucee migration, we outline a few factors to consider.
Blog - Ben Nadel - Wrapping The FusionReactor API (FRAPI) For Safe Consumption In Lucee CFML
Over the weekend, I looked at how to use the FusionReactor API (FRAPI) to instrument ColdFusion code. In that post, I was referencing the FRAPI Java class directly; which, only works if you have the FusionReactor Java Agent installed. In production code, I tend to wrap these kinds of classes / APIs in my own ColdFusion component so that I can safely - and simply - consume them even when the code is running in an environment that doesn't include the FusionReactor Java Agent. In the past, I've done this with New Relic's Java Agent; and now, I wanted to look at how I would do this with the FusionReactor Java Agent in Lucee CFML
Blog - Ben Nadel - Using The FusionReactor API (FRAPI) To Add Custom Instrumentation In Lucee CFML
Now that InVision is migrating from the New Relic APM to the FusionReactor APM (Application Performance Management) for our Lucee CFML servers, I wanted to take some time to familiarize myself with the API exposed by the FusionReactor Java Agent. On its own, the FusionReactor core functionality is already quite insightful. However, I am constantly using feature flags to experiment with code optimization; so, it would be even more helpful if I could graph the impact of my experimentation alongside the performance of our Lucee CFML servers.
Blog - Kishore - Adobe - Adobe ColdFusion Summit East :: Washington, D.C on April 22
We are excited to announce the fourth annual Adobe ColdFusion Summit East in Washington, D.C on April 22nd.
The conference is on April 22nd and we are having two tracks. We have sessions from experts in the community which would cover most of the major features of ColdFusion.
The conference is FREE to attend, just register at the link provided.
Blog - Jason Steinshouer - Exploration in Unit Testing Vue.js Components
I have been playing around with the Vue.js framework a lot in the last year or two. I went through Udemy course that covered Vue.JS and Vuex. The final project was to build a Stock Trading Simulation using Vue.js and Vuex. The course did not cover testing. I wanted to explore that by adding some unit tests to my Stock Trading application. Here are my notes about some of the things I learned in the process.
Blog - Gavin Pickin - Adobe Portal - Help us get CFML / ColdFusion added to CodeWars Website
CodeWars is a cool site for practicing/training to improve your coding skills. I use the site for JavaScript often and it would be awesome if CFML was available too.
There is an API so we could tap into this and build some cool CFML tools related to this, as well as have another great training tool for new and experienced CFML Developers.
We have a github issue, that needs more THUMBS UP to get our language added. Please visit here and add your reaction to help the cause.
Ben Nadel - A Months-Long Journey Of Incrementally Increasing Performance Of A Lucee CFML Service
The last two-and-a-half months of my life have been bananas! They've also held some of the most rewarding work that I've done in a some time. Along with the support from a few of my fellow InVisioneers, I've been working tirelessly to try and improve the performance of a long-neglected internal API service that is built on Lucee CFML This service has been a pain-point for several years; but, has grown increasingly ornery in the last year or so as the demand on it has continued to accelerate. Finally, it got to a point where I had to take a stand; it was time to stop doing "product work" and start focusing on performance and reliability. What follows is my attempt to recount the ups-and-downs of this journey.
Blog - Ortus Solutions - Video Recordings Now Available for Into the Box LATAM
Video recordings for Into the Box LATAM are now available for purchase in our Vimeo page. Through our numerous sessions, aspiring developers learned more about ColdFusion and how to innovate and modernize!
Coding Challenge of the Month - January 2020
$25 For whoever completes all of our tasks to help get CFML added to CodeWars
Winner: Daniel Mejia
Thanks - we will email you an amazon giftcard. Thanks for all who participated.
Thanks to all who have already entered... and helped us get CFML on CodeWars
Several positions available on https://www.getcfmljobs.com/
Listing over 31 ColdFusion positions from 23 companies across 18 locations in 5 Countries
Full-Time - ColdFusion developers at Bengaluru, Karnataka - India
Posted Jan 28
Full-Time - Jr. ColdFusion Developer at Kochi, Kerala - India
Posted Jan 27
Full-Time - Spécialiste ColdFusion - NSDC at Quebec City, QC - Canada
Posted Jan 27
Full-Time - ColdFusion Software Engineer at Tampa, FL - United States
Posted Jan 24
Full-Time - Full Stack ColdFusion Developer at Aurora, CO - United States
Posted Jan 22
CF WebTools
Hey folks, we continue to grow and expand here at CFWT. Our Ops department is looking for a CF jack of all trades who isn't afraid of AWS or servers. Details below - see if you qualify!
Seeking a ColdFusion Systems Administrator for CF Webtools. We are in Omaha, NE and are accepting both local and remote positions.
ForgeBox Module of the Week
CFIPAPI by Jordan Clark
ipapi.co provides a REST API to find the location of an IP address.
Specifically, you can get the following information for any IP address:
city, region , country , continent, postal code, latitude, longitude, timezone, utc_offset, european union (EU) membership, country calling code, currency, languages spoken, asn and organization.
The API can also help you to find the public IP address of a device.
$ box install cfipapi
VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week
Vue Peek by Dario Fuzinato
236,950 installs - 5 stars
Allows peek and goto definition for Vue single-file components.
This extension extends Vue code editing with Go To Definition and Peek Definition support for components and filenames in single-file components with a .vue extension. It allows quickly jumping to or peeking into files that are referenced as components (from template), or as module imports (from script).
Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters
These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.
If we’re getting your name wrong please let us know.
Andrew Davis
Brian White
Carl Von Stetten
Da Li
Dan Card
Daniel Garcia
David Belanger
Didier Lesnicki
Don Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary Knight
Jan Jannek
Jeremy Adams
John Farrar
Jordan Clark
Joseph Lamoree
Laksma Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Richard Herbert
Samuel Knowlton
Scott Steinbeck
Yogesh Mathur
You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website
Recent Entries

ColdBox 7.2.0 Released
ColdBox, a widely used development platform for ColdFusion (CFML), has unveiled version 7.2. Packed with compelling new features, bug fixes, and enhancements, this release is designed to empower developers by boosting productivity, refining scheduled task capabilities, and enhancing the overall reliability and efficiency of application development. This article will delve into the key highlights of ColdBox 7.2 and elucidate how these advancements can positively impact developers in their daily coding endeavors.

Into the Box 2023 Series on CFCast
Excitement is in the air as we unleash the highly anticipated ITB 2023 series exclusively for our valued CFCast subscribers – and the best part? It's FREE for CFCast members! Now is the perfect time if you haven't joined the CFCast community yet. Plus, we've got an incredible End-of-Year deal that's too good to miss

Ortus Deals are Finally Here!
The much-anticipated Ortus End-of-the-Year Sale has arrived, and it's time to elevate your development experience! Whether you're a seasoned developer, a tech enthusiast, or someone on the lookout for top-notch projects, Ortus has something special in store for you. Brace yourself for incredible discounts across a wide array of products and services, including Ortus annual events, books, cutting-edge services, and more.
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