We are incredibly excited to bring you the latest iteration of our PDF extension for Lucee CFML server. This release brings you Lucee 5.x support and lots of nice container and licensing updates. We have also published it to ForgeBox so you can leverage ForgeBox as your Extensions Provider Authority. Just add https://www.forgebox.io
to your Lucee extension provider panel and install away!

Trial Version
We have also included a 60 day trial if you leverage ForgeBox as your installation provider. This way you can test out the extension and see if it fits your needs.
The Ortus PDF Lucee Extension adds to any Lucee engine the missing PDF capabilities you were longing for and enhancing some PDF capabilities as well. The extension contains several new CFML built-in tags and functions (coming soon) that will help you manipulate and work with PDF documents. Our extension is completely documented and professionaly supported via our Ortus Support services.
Implemented Tags
The Ortus PDF Lucee Extension will allow you to do PDF manipulation like prefilling PDF form fields from a database, native CFML structures, JSON, FDF and even XML data. It can also process PDF form data by extracting to native CFML structures, XML, JSON, FDF or files. It can also flatten PDF files to lock in PDF form changes and much more. Please see our capabilities section for much more detail about our features.
Populate Using Sub Tags
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< cfpdfform action= "https://www.ortussolutions.com/populate" source= "#datapath#/report.pdf" destination= "#workpath#/report-out.pdf" overwrite= "true" overwritedata= "true" result= "myresult" flatten= "true" > <pre><code>< cfpdfformparam name= "full_name" value= "Ortus Rocks" ></ cfpdfformparam > < cfpdfformparam name= "exam_date" value= "#dateFormat( now(), " mmmm dd, yyyy ")# #timeFormat( now(), " medium ")#" ></ cfpdfformparam > < cfpdfformparam name= "strategy_overview" value= "Drink a lot of water!" ></ cfpdfformparam > < cfpdfformparam name= "strategy_tips" value= "Eat a lot of cheese!" ></ cfpdfformparam > </code></pre> </ cfpdfform > |
Populate Using Native CFML Structs
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data = { "full_name" = "Ortus Rocks" , "exam_date" = "#dateFormat( now(), " mmmm dd, yyyy ")# #timeFormat( now(), " medium ")#" , "strategy_overview" = "Drink a lot of water!" , "strategy_tips" = "Eat a lot of cheese!" }; pdfform action= "populate" source= "#datapath#/report.pdf" overwrite= "true" overwriteData= "true" structData=data flatten= "true" ; |
Populate Using JSON
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jsonData = '{ "full_name" : "Ortus Rocks" , "exam_date" : "#dateFormat( now(), " mmmm dd, yyyy ")# #timeFormat( now(), " medium ")#" , "strategy_overview" : "Drink a lot of water!" , "strategy_tips" : "Eat a lot of cheese!" }'; pdfform action= "populate" source= "#datapath#/report.pdf" overwrite= "true" overwriteData= "true" jsonData= "#jsonData#" flatten= "true" ; |
Reading a PDF Form
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pdfform action= "read" source= "#dataPath#/report.pdf" result= "formData" jsonData= "jsonData" ; // Native Struct writeDump( formData ); // JSON Data writeDump( jsonData ); |
This is just a taste of the capabilities you can do with our extension. We have tons of features coming in future releases and we would love to have yoru input as well.
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