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ColdBox Presentation at the ColdFusion Meetup Group

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Charlie has posted yeseterday's presentation at the ColdFusion Meetup. So please watch it and learn about ColdBox

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ColdBox : A Tour at the Orlando CFUG Presentation, Watch it!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I did yesterday a presentation at the Orlando User Group, ADOGO, and it went awesome. Thanks Brian and crew for hosting me. The presentation covers some theory but we did a lot of hands on. I showed off event caching, scaffolding support via illudium, even ses support, and much much more. So check it out at the following URL:

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CF.Objective 2008 Sessions and Speakers: ColdBox Session Debuts!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I got great news today from Sean Corfield that my topics where selected for CF.Objective(). Not only will I be doing a introduction presentation but a 2 hour hands on to advanced techniques with the coldbox framework. You can see all the sessions here. So Minneapolis, here I come!!

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Speaking at CFUNITED 2008

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I will be speaking at CFUNITED 2008 this year in Washington, DC. I am super excited since I have never been to a CFUNITED conference. So it will be a first experience speaking and attending. My topic will be on ColdBox of course. So if you haven't registered for this conference, then do so now!!

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CF.Objective ColdBox Hands On, Need your Input!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am super excited to be able to be part of CF.Objective this year. I attended last year and it was an incredible conference. If you have not registered for it, please do. Now, I need your input on what exactly to show on the hands on session. Below is my outline of what I would like to show. However, if you have a specific idea on the topics below, please comment.

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CFUnited Early Bird Ending Soon

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Only a few days left for the Early Bird special for CFUnited. So if you haven't registered yet, I really hope you do. I will be doing a great session on ColdBox at the conference and it should be a great one.

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CF Objective is almost here! ColdBox Session Debut

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, CF Objective is almost here, only 31 more days!! I am super excited that this year I will be attending again and actually speaking on two sessions:

  • ColdBox Framework 101
  • ColdBox Advanced Techniques Workshop

These sessions should definitely get you familiar with what ColdBox is and how it can help you or your organization. The two hour hands-on workshop will s...

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CFObjective 2008 Advanced Workshop Resources posted

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just posted my Advanced Workshop session given today. It was a great presentation and attendance. If you where not there, you can still check it out by going to the wiki presentations area. The presentation shows all the demos we should have done, I am also uploading the complete workshop source code and the script that was my guide to create the demos. As a side note, I will be translating the demos t...

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CFObjective ColdBox Framework 101 session posted

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just posted my 101 Framework session given this Friday. It was a great presentation and attendance. If you where not there, you can still check it out by going to the wiki presentations area.

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CFunited 2008 Presentation Posted

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am super excited to be going to my first CFUnited Conference in the next few weeks. I will be doing my first presentations on ColdBox and I just posted such presentations in the official ColdBox Wiki. So please check them out as they are different than any of the presentations and it includes most of the 2.6 features.

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