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ColdBox Training At CFCamp 2012

Luis Majano |  September 05, 2012

We are so glad to announce our CFCamp 2012 boot camp training in Munich, Germany.  We will be attending this amazing conference from October 15-16, 2012 in beautiful Munich, Germany.  Then on October 17 and 18 we will be holding several ColdBox and ContentBox trainings, called HOTs (Hands on Trainings).  Each HOT will be about 4 hours long.

October 17 -
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ContentBox at CFCamp 2012 in Munich

Luis Majano |  August 31, 2012

We are glad to announce our prescence at CFCamp 2012 in Munich, Germany this October 15-16th, 2012.  We had the privilege of attending this CFML conference last year and it was a blast.  This year promises twice the fun as it is a 2 day conference this time around.  So if you are in the vicinity, please drop by as we will be showcasing our latest version of ContentBox Modular CMS.  See you there!

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ContentBox at CFCamp 2012 in Munich

Luis Majano |  August 31, 2012

We are glad to announce our prescence at CFCamp 2012 in Munich, Germany this October 15-16th, 2012.  We had the privilege of attending this CFML conference last year and it was a blast.  This year promises twice the fun as it is a 2 day conference this time around.  So if you are in the vicinity, please drop by as we will be showcasing our latest version of ContentBox Modular CMS.  See you there!

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The Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Excited About the Month of August

Luis Majano |  July 09, 2012

The month of August has us excited and here are 3 reasons why it should have you excited too!

Reason #1:  RIACON 2012

Rich Internet Applications Conference - Washington DC

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Orange County ColdFusion User Group

Luis Majano |  May 25, 2012

On Thursday May 31st, our very own Luis Majano will be presenting on ColdBox at the Orange County ColdFusion User Group.  Come out to learn about what some of the features are in the ColdBox 3.5 release:

  • Caching
  • AOP & Dependency Injection
  • Broadcast Interceptors
  • Conventions
  • RESTful web  services...
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Mock It Baby Slides and Code

Curt Gratz |  May 21, 2012

Thanks to all who came out to my presentation at this years CF.Objective().  It was my first year speaking and it was an honor to have you and I would like to say thank you to the conference orginazators for the opportunity and for putting together such a great conference.  

The slides and code for my Mock It Baby! presentation our available on github

Mock It Baby<...

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ColdBox Zurich Boot Camp in 11 Days!

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2012

There are still only a few seats left for our April Zurich Boot Camp, so hurry now and get some cool discounts:  Also remember that if you purchase the bundle for all 3 courses, you get a cool Apple iPod Shuffle or a $50 Gift Card as a welcome gift!

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ContentBox in the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group

Luis Majano |  March 05, 2012

If you will be in the vicinity of San Francisco March 8th, then please drop by to the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group at 6:30 PM.  We will be showcasing our new ColdBox powered product, ContentBox.  So come and learn about this great new open source content management engine and how ColdBox Modules powers it!


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Dallas CF Summit Training Sale

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

There are only 15 days to our ColdBox Trainings in Dallas, Texas before the Open CF Summit and we are holding a sale extravaganza as we need to fill out our seats.  So here are $350 dollars off the regular price! So just for $645 attend our 2 days courses!  But hurry as the sale ends soon!


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Zurich ColdBox Boot Camp in April

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

Welcome to our first ColdBox Boot Camp in Europe.  A glorious 5 day training boot camp featuring our most popular courses and our latest upcoming release ColdBox Platform 3.5.0.  All 3 courses will be delivered by Luis Majano, creator of the ColdBox Platform.

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