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ColdBox 5.1.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 24, 2018

What's New With 5.1.2

This is a patch release for ColdBox


  • [COLDBOX-711] - HTML helper cannot add fontawesome icons in button due to XSS enabled b...
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ColdBox 5.1.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 02, 2018

ColdBox 5.1.1 patch update has been released today. This patch covers some major regresssions and improvements for stability. You can find the release notes below.


ColdBox 5.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2018

Ohh happy day! ColdBox 5.1.0 is now available. Using CommandBox just issue a simple update coldbox and you are done! This release is fully documented and you can find the what's new guide here: Below you will find the major areas of improvement for this release and you can visit the link for the full release notes.

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CommandBox 4.1.0 Released

Brad Wood |  June 26, 2018

Close on the heels of our big CommandBox 4.0.0 release, we have a small update we've released today: 4.1.0.  This release is mostly to fix a couple small bugs in the 4.0.0 release, but it does have a few new features in it, so we've bumped a full minor version instead of just a patch release.

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CommandBox 4.0.0 Released

Brad Wood |  June 01, 2018

Today we are very pleased to announce the final release of CommandBox 4.0.0.  This has been one of our most ambitious releases and closed more than 70 tickets over 6 months of development and testing.  

This release has gone through a month of testing that created two release candidates.  A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped provide feedback.  There are a lot of new features and libraries in 4.0 as well as a major overhaul of many of the UI aspects of the CLI. 

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CommandBox 4 Release Candidate Available for Testing

Brad Wood |  May 15, 2018

After 6 months of development, we are pleased to announce that CommandBox 4.0.0-RC.2 is available for your testing.  In case you're wondering, RC.1 was released at Into The Box last month, but I was super busy at the time and on the road for 2 solid weeks and didn't have the docs fully updated, so I didn't have a chance to blog it then.  A huge thanks goes out to everyone who help contribute ideas, pull requests, and testing for CommandBox 4.  This is truly a group effort.

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qb 5.2.0 Released!

Eric Peterson |  March 12, 2018

Quick announcement today about qb. We're excited to announce that starting with version 5.1.0, QB has full query and schema builder support for four major database grammars:

  • Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQLGrammar)
  • MySQL (MySQLGrammar)
  • Oracle (OracleGrammar)
  • Postgres (PostgresGrammar)

Set your preferred grammar in your moduleSettings and you are good to go:

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New ForgeBox Features — March 2018

Eric Peterson |  March 09, 2018

ForgeBox 3.0.0 has landed with tons of new features and updates including ForgeBox Storage and ForgeBox Lucee Provider!

Comments are currently closed
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TestBox v2.6.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 06, 2018

We are excited to announce the release of TestBox version 2.6.0. To install just do:

box install testbox --savedev

To upgrade your current testbox installation just run the following:

box uninstall testbox && install testbox --savedev

TestBox 2.6.0 is a minor release with some great new functionality and tons of fixes. You can find the release notes here and the major updates for this release.

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Redis Lucee v1.0.0 Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  January 17, 2018


We are very excited to bring you a new commercial product release for the Ortus Family: Redis Lucee Extension  The Redis Lucee Extension allows you to natively connect to a Redis Server cluster and leverage it for distributed caching, session/client storage and distribution, cluster RAM file syste...

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