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Coming Soon: ColdBox Developer Week 2012

Brad Wood |  July 01, 2012

The ColdBox team is excited to announce the first ever ColdBox Developer week.  In conjunction with the release of ColdBox 3.5 and our new CMS ContentBox, we're cooking up a full week of completely free ColdBox-related training put on by ColdBox experts from around the world.  CBDW will all be online training happening the week of July 23rd through 27th.  We have beginner topics showing how to get started in ColdBox as well as advanced sessions covering things like dependency injection and AOP.

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ColdBox Gets An Evangelist: Brad Wood!

Luis Majano |  June 05, 2012

Brad Wood, long time ColdBox team member has joined our team as a product evangelist for the ColdBox Platform.  We are so proud and honored that he will be dedicating some time to our project and helping us shape it as the best CFML development platform.  You can visit our engineering blog to see the full press release and Brad's thoughts on ColdBox: 

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Introducing our ColdBox Evangelist: Brad Wood

Luis Majano |  June 05, 2012

We are so excited to announce Brad Wood as the ColdBox Platform Evangelist.  Brad has been part of the ColdBox family for quite a long time and has made incredible contributions to the project from intense load testing, performance tuning, platform scalability, dependency injection, memory leak issues, and the list goes on and on.  We are so privlieged that Brad is on board and will be doing some amazing things to improve the direction of the ColdBox Platform.

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ColdBox Connection: ColdBox Platform 3.5.1 Recording

Luis Majano |  June 01, 2012

We revived the ColdBox Connections by doing a live session at the Orange County ColdFusion User Group last night.  Here is the recording and of course also updated in our media sections: