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Converting Fusebox 5.1 Sample App to ColdBox MVC - Part 2

Brad Wood |  August 12, 2014

This is the second half of our two-part conversion of a FuseBox 5.1 sample app to ColdBox MVC.  If you haven't been following our blog series on converting your legacy FuseBox apps over to ColdBox MVC you may want to back up and read the

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Brad Wood Presenting on ColdBox to Chicagoland User Group 8/13 @ 6:30pm Central

Brad Wood |  August 06, 2014

This August 13th at 6:30 pm Brad Wood will be presenting an introduction to the ColdBox MVC Platform to the Chicagoland user group.  If you're in the area, please attend in person.  For everyone else, I'll be presenting via Adobe Connect and you can join the room to listen in.

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Converting Fusebox 5.1 Sample App to ColdBox MVC

Brad Wood |  August 05, 2014

Welcome back to our blog series on converting your legacy FuseBox apps over to ColdBox MVC.  In our

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California Fall 2014 ColdBox-TestBox Training

Luis Majano |  August 04, 2014

Come get trained in sunny California!


We will be holding a ColdBox and TestBox bootcamp in sunny California this October 1-3rd, 2014.  This bootcamp will include a medley of our professional training courses and lead by ColdBox creator

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Converting Fusebox 3 Sample App to ColdBox MVC

Brad Wood |  July 14, 2014

In our last installment, we talked about the benefits of converting legacy FuseBox applications over to ColdBox MVC.  In this entry we'll actually convert the Fusebox 3 sample app available from to show you the similiarities and differences between the two frameworks.  


Here's a screenshot of the files in the Fusebox and ColdBox code side-by-side. Both are pretty self-explanatory, so we'll work our way through the contents of each file as we go.

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Converting Fusebox to ColdBox MVC

Brad Wood |  July 03, 2014

Fusebox is one of the oldest frameworks for ColdFusion.  My first real ColdFusion job was working on a large intranet site built upon Fusebox.  The framework has changed hands several times and though it has now gone cold in terms of new development but it is still used by 1 in 3 ColdFusion developers according to the State of the CF Union survey results from 2014.  

Party like it's 1999

There's a lot of legacy code out there still running on FuseBox, but that doesn't mean it has to stay that way.  The Internet has moved on to design patterns like MVC and more-object oriented approaches for code reuse and testing.   The thought of reworking your old codebase might seem scary, especially if you're not familiar with MVC and you aren't using any OO principles.  Don't despair though, it's often times better to make incremental improvements to code instead of trying to throw it out and rewrite it from scratch.  The old adage says, how do you eat an elephant? "One bite at a time!"

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How To Create A JIRA Account And Enter ColdBox Tickets

Brad Wood |  June 27, 2014

After using the ColdBox MVC Platform or any of the Box libraries you might think of an enhancement or new feature you'd like to see.  Or perhaps you found an issue, and after posting it to our Google Group, we asked you to put in a ticket.  Well, today is you day because here is a step by step guide for getting set up in our bug tracker so you can enter tickets, as well as comment, vote, or watch other people's tickets.  Out open source libraries are developed out in the open for full transparency and to encourage the public to join in and be part of the exciting process.

Atlassian JIRA

Atlassian has created a number of development workflow tools like BitBucket, SourceTree, and Bamboo.  JIRA (pronounced Jeer-ah) is their popular system for bug tracking and does lots of cool stuff with agile plugins. The URL for the Ortus JIRA bug tracker is (We'll wait while you bookmark it):

When you first visit, you'll see something like this. From a non-logged in state you can still view tickets and read comments but you can't create tickets or interact with existing ones.  Start by hitting the green "Log In" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Not logged in (click to enlarge)

On the log in form, click the "Create an account" link on the right hand column under the username and password fields.  Don't be tempted to use the "Log in using Google" option.  That only works if your E-mail address ends in!

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ContentBox Modular CMS v2.0.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 26, 2014

ContentBox Modular CMS v2.0.0 has now been released sporting over 50 issues and enhancements.  Check out our

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TestBox BDD v2.0.0 and MockBox Released!

Luis Majano |  June 09, 2014

We are so excited to bring you TestBox 2.0 and MockBox 3.0!  These releases are major releases of our libraries and include not only great features but a new repository home.  TestBox/MockBox have been decoupled from the ColdBox core and are now available standalone only ( &nbs...

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ColdBox 4 and CommandBox CLI at London Railo Group

Brad Wood |  May 22, 2014

Luis will be speaking at the London Railo Group next Friday, May 30th at 6:30 pm.  He will be talking about some of the great stuff we're doing in ColdBox 4 (including the complet...

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