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Tip of the Week: Behavior-Driven Development and TestBox

Brad Wood |  November 04, 2013

If you haven't heard, the latest addition to the *Box family is TestBox and is currently out in Alpha. It allows for the standard xUnit style of testing that you may already be familiar with in tools like MXUnit. TestBox also allows for a newer style of testing known as Behavior-Driven Development or BDD. BDD helps focus on writing tests that confirm specific business needs are met by your software and typically use some sort of human-readable DSL that allows the test to be self-documenting a...

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Secure Your ColdBox Application Easily With the New FuseGuard Module

Brad Wood |  November 01, 2013

We are very pleased to announce the new Ortus FuseGuard Module for securing ColdBox applications against malicious attacks.  FuseGuard is a web application firewall written by the smart ...

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Introducing: Ortus FuseGuard Firewall Module

Luis Majano |  October 31, 2013

We are so excited to announce the availability of FuseGuard, the application firewall for CFML, as a ColdBox and ContentBox Module.  We teamed up with Pete Freitag at Foundeo and have create an awesome module that can protect your ColdBox and ContentBox ...

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Come Learn about NoSQL and Caching with Couchbase in this Official Webinar

Brad Wood |  October 30, 2013

We are very excited to announce a brand new webinar coming up on November 19th at 9am PST which will dive into exactly what Couchbase Server is and how to leverage it in any CFML application.  We have partnered with the great guys at Couchbase to put on this FREE official Couchbase webinar and will be co-presenting with

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Webinar: Scaling CFML Applications with Couchbase NoSQL Server

Luis Majano |  October 30, 2013

We are very excited to partner up with the great folks at Couchbase to bring you an awesome webinar on November 19th, 2013.  Myself, Brad and Tug will be presenting on the amazing features of the Couchbase NoSQL server and how it can be leveraged for scalability with CFML applications.  Here is a synopsis of the webinar:

Scaling ColdFusion (CFML) Applications with Couchbas...

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TestBox - CFML BDD/Unit Testing Framework Has Arrived!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2013

We are so pleased to bring you another addition to our Ortus product lineup: TestBox.  TestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion that is based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing a clean obvious syntax for writing tests. It contains not only a testing fr...

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TestBox - CFML BDD/Unit Testing Framework Released

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2013

We are so pleased to bring you another addition to our Box collection of products: TestBox.  TestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion that is based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing a clean obvious syntax for writing tests. It contains not only a testing framework, runner, assertions and expectations library but also integrates with MockBox for mocking and stubbing. It also supports xUnit style of testing and MXUnit compatibilities.  At this point TestBox has been released as a 1.0.0 Alpha and can be downloaded from our main downloads page and it has been also integrated into our "development" branch for the ColdBox platform as well.  As you will see, TestBox also leverages Closures extensively to provide nice clear syntaxes in your tests.

Features At A Glance

  • Here are a simple listing of features TestBox brings to the table:
  • BDD style testing
  • xUnit style testing
  • Testing life-cycle methods
  • MockBox integration for mocking and stubbing
  • Ability to extend and create custom test runners
  • Ability to extend and create custom test reporters
  • Extensible reporters, bundled with tons of them:
  •     JSON
  •     XML
  •     JUnit 4 XML
  •     Text (80's style)
  •     Console
  •     TAP (Test Anything Protocol)
  •     Simple HTML
  •     Min - Minimalistic Heaven
  •     Raw
  • Asynchronous testing
  • Multi-suite capabilities
  • Test skipping
  • Suite skipping
  • Dynamic skipping support via runtime executions
  • Test one or more suites exclusively
  • Test one or more tests/specs exclusively
  • Test labels and tagging
  • Clickable suite titles to filter test execution
  • Direct MXUnit replacement
  • Much more!
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New WireBox Ref Card Released

Brad Wood |  October 09, 2013

We have just released the latest installment in our series of getting ...

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Coldbox CBDW2013 Online Training is Available!

Luis Majano |  October 02, 2013

We are very excited to announce our second online course available for both ColdBox and ContenBox Modular CMS thanks to our annual conference CBDW2013:  

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