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ContentBox v1.5.3 Released

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2013

We are announcing the availability of v1.5.3 of ContentBox as a critical update that fixes a lot of issues our customers have experienced.  You can either download the updates or use our auto-update panel to upgrade.  The updates are now cumulative for the 1.5.X series only.

  • ContentBox Source: To deploy in any CFML engine (Adobe or Railo)
  • ContentBox WAR: ...
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Welcome ContentBox v1.5.2

Luis Majano |  May 14, 2013

We are so proud to announce another major milestone in our software, v1.5.2.  This release has definitely been a world collaboration event as we joined forces to completely update the Administrator UI and fix over 50 different tickets.  So big thanks go to Curt Gratz, Seth Engen, Brad Woord, Richard Mckenna, Joel Watson, Andrew Scott, etc.  You can find all about the release in our

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Welcome ContentBox v1.5.2

Luis Majano |  May 14, 2013

We are so proud to announce another major milestone in our software, v1.5.2.  This release has definitely been a world collaboration event as we joined forces to completely update the Administrator UI and fix over 50 different tickets.  So big thanks go to Curt Gratz, Seth Engen, Brad Woord, Richard Mckenna, Joel Watson, Andrew Scott, etc.  You can find all about the release in our

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*Box Party Hackathon at CFObjective 2013

Luis Majano |  May 11, 2013

We are excited to announce our first ever *BOX Party Hackathon at this year's CFObjective 2013 in conjunction with Computer Know How.  We will be holding a get together for all *BOX aficionados (WireBox, MockBox, LogBox, ColdBox, ColdBox LITE, DevBox, ContentBox, DataBoss, etc) filled with drinks, prizes and cool hacking events.  We have some awesome geek prizes from rubik's cubes, to 80's inspired electr...

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Ortus Monthly Support Plan Released!

Luis Majano |  April 27, 2013

We have completely revamped and recreated our Ortus Support Plans for all our products (ColdBox, ContentBox, DataBoss, WireBox, CacheBox, etc) and even introduced custom development plans, so we can even help you build your apps in no time!  However, the plan we are most excited about is our new monthly M1 Plan.  With this plan you will be able to subscribe to our support services for a lo...

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