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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator Has Landed

Luis Majano |  March 26, 2013

We are so excited to welcome our new product in the Ortus Solutions lineup; DataBoss : Dynamic Administrator.  Here is a little brief overview about DataBoss and how it can help you as a developer and also as a company.  DataBoss is powered by Co...

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Introducing Ortus DataBoss: Dynamic ORM Administrator

Luis Majano |  March 26, 2013

We are proud to announce today the public release of our product Ortus DataBoss.  We have been working on this product for a few years now and finally it has reached its culmination and is ready available for purchase.  So let me introduce to you our new brain child: DataBoss.


What is DataBoss?

Ortus DataBoss is an application that will help you manage CFML Object Relational Mapper (ORM) objects without the need of writing administrative code for them; thus a Dynamic Administrator.  DataBoss will talk to the underlying ORM engine (Hibernate) and get all the necessary information to manage all the ORM entities and its relationships in that specific CFML application DataBoss has been deployed to.  You can watch our introductory video to get a quick overview of what DataBoss is and how it can benefit your development.



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ColdBox GroovyLoader 3.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 06, 2013

Thanks to team member Sana Ullah, we have upgraded our Groovy Loader project to version 3.0.  This version includes several updates like it sports a new interceptor called GroovyStarter that you can configure in your configuration file and the entire groovy environment will wrap itself and become available in any ColdBox 3.5 application.

Not only that, but now you can also add any amount of java and groovy library locations and the plugin will load them at startup into your application.  These libraries can be Spring, Hibernate, Apache Commons, etc.  Finally, what good is a project without documentation, so we now have the project fully documented:

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ColdBox Platform v3.6.0 Released!

Brad Wood |  February 26, 2013


We are proud to announce ColdBox Platform release version 3.6.0 and ColdBox DevBox 2.3. This is an important minor release that addresses many important issues, but also introduces some great enhancements. There are no compatibility updates needed and here are our "What's New" guideline:

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ColdBox Online Training 75% Off

Luis Majano |  February 20, 2013

This week only until Saturday February 23rd, 2013, you can get access to our online ColdBox training course for 75% off the retail value.  This online training course has over 50 lessons, over 15 hours worth of video and much more.  You can also train right in your iPad or iPhone device, so what are you waiting for, get your training on!


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Finance Your ColdBox Trainings

Luis Majano |  February 06, 2013

Thanks to PayPal you can now finance your ColdBox Trainings by using the Bill Me Later service once you check out.  This is a great way to be able to finance or pay in installments for your ColdBox training needs with no interest for the first 6 months.  This applies to all our training seminars currently offered now and in the future.  You don't have to do anything special, just follow the checkout proc...

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ColdBox and ContentBox Training at CFObjective 2013

Luis Majano |  January 14, 2013

Ortus Solutions will be present at this year's CF.Objective Conference and will also be conducting two professional training seminars before the conference.  We have chosen a venue that is about 5-10 minutes from the conference center and it is an excellent choice to stay here during your conference as well.


Hyatt Place Minneapolis Airport South

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ColdBox BootCamp at CF.Objective 2013

Luis Majano |  January 11, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our very first ColdBox BootCamp of the year.  We will be holding an amazing ColdBox BootCamp before this year's CF.Objective 2013 conference from May 13th to the 15th.  The schedule of courses we will be offering are the following:

  • May 13-14: A combination of CBOX 100 and 101 led by ColdBox creator Luis Majano
  • May 15: CBOX 204 Testing, Mocking, Stubbing, Oh My! led by ColdBox Team member Curt Gratz

The location of the training location is just 5 minutes away from the Conference Venue.

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