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Meet Our New Content Engine: ContentBox

Frank Pimentel |  June 19, 2012

We are at it again.  We are holding a workshop that will introduce you to our new free open source Content Engine: ContentBox.  The ColdBox Blog has more info.  Head over to the blog to find more info about the workshop.

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ColdBox Gets An Evangelist: Brad Wood!

Luis Majano |  June 05, 2012

Brad Wood, long time ColdBox team member has joined our team as a product evangelist for the ColdBox Platform.  We are so proud and honored that he will be dedicating some time to our project and helping us shape it as the best CFML development platform.  You can visit our engineering blog to see the full press release and Brad's thoughts on ColdBox: 

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Introducing our ColdBox Evangelist: Brad Wood

Luis Majano |  June 05, 2012

We are so excited to announce Brad Wood as the ColdBox Platform Evangelist.  Brad has been part of the ColdBox family for quite a long time and has made incredible contributions to the project from intense load testing, performance tuning, platform scalability, dependency injection, memory leak issues, and the list goes on and on.  We are so privlieged that Brad is on board and will be doing some amazing things to improve the direction of the ColdBox Platform.

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ColdBox Platform 3.5.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  May 30, 2012


We are proud to announce yet another release of our ColdBox Platform product: version 3.5.1.   This patch release includes some tremendous updates and tuning of our 3.5 series that will bring more optimizations and performance to your already 3.5 applications.  We also where able ...

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WireBox ColdFusion DI & AOP v1.4.0 Released

Luis Majano |  May 30, 2012

We are so proud to announce yet another release of WireBox, ColdFusion Dependency Injection and AOP framework.

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Orange County ColdFusion User Group

Luis Majano |  May 25, 2012

On Thursday May 31st, our very own Luis Majano will be presenting on ColdBox at the Orange County ColdFusion User Group.  Come out to learn about what some of the features are in the ColdBox 3.5 release:

  • Caching
  • AOP & Dependency Injection
  • Broadcast Interceptors
  • Conventions
  • RESTful web  services...
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ColdBox ColdFusion Builder Extension Updates

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2012

We are proud to announce a major update to our Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension product: ColdBox Platform Utilities v2.9.  This release includes some incredible updates for the latest ColdBox compatib...

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ColdBox Zurich Boot Camp in 11 Days!

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2012

There are still only a few seats left for our April Zurich Boot Camp, so hurry now and get some cool discounts:  Also remember that if you purchase the bundle for all 3 courses, you get a cool Apple iPod Shuffle or a $50 Gift Card as a welcome gift!

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ColdBox Platform 3.5.0 is now available!

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012

After almost 9 months worth of intense development, testing, research and hard work, ColdBox Platform 3.5.0 Final has been released.  This is a tremendous release that focuses on optimizations, speed, RESTful services, ORM integration and finally object/form validation.  So a big congratulations goes out to the ColdBox Engineering Team and the entire community for testing and contributing to ColdBox.

To read the entire pres...

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ColdBox Platform 3.5.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012


We are so proud to announce the 3.5 final version of the ColdBox Platform!  After almost 9 months of development, research and testing, we are ready for more great stuff to come.  There are tons and tons of fixes and updates in the release, which actualy makes it the fastest ColdBox release ever (Especially under Railo, wow it is fast, with vanilla framework requests executing at 1ms!).  So let's look at some resources for you:

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