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WireBox v1.3.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012

We are so proud to announce a new release for WireBox, our Dependency Injection and AOP framework for ColdFusion.  This release is packed with great fixes and lots of enhancements when doing AOP and dynamic ColdFusion co...

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WireBox DI & AOP v1.3.1 Released

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012


As part of release week, we are proud to announce yet another release to WireBox, our Dependency Injection and AOP Framework.  Here are the resources:

WireBox is a ColdFusion Dependency Injection and AOP Framework that can work with any ColdFusion framework or no framework at all.  The major features of this release are laid out below or you can read our What's New Guide for full Geeky details!

  • Lots of fixes on concurrency and DI automation
  • Binder declarations now take precendence over annotations
  • Setter injections now allow you to declare the name of the argument used in the setter instead of by convention.
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CacheBox: Caching Engine & Cache Aggregator v1.3.1 Released

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012

We have just launched a new version to our favorite caching engine and aggregator: CacheBox.  To read the full details and milestone news, please click on the resources below:


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CacheBox 1.3.1 Released

Luis Majano |  March 27, 2012

Welcome to release week! Our first release in our list is CacheBox version 1.3.1.  Here are some useful resources:

CFObjective 2012 Pre-Conference Trainings

Luis Majano |  March 06, 2012

We are very happy to announce 3 training courses before this year's in Minneapolis in May:   We will be offering the following courses side by side on May 14th - 15th and then 1 course on May 16th.  We also have special discounts for students, non-profits and CFObjective attendees.  So if you qualify on any of those categories, e-mail us at to receive your discount codes.

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ContentBox in San Francisco March 8, 2012

Luis Majano |  March 05, 2012

We are incredibly excited to be going to the San Francisco ColdFusion User Group March 8, 2012.  The meeting starts at 6:30 pm and we will be reviewing, installing and configuring ContentBox!  So if you will be in the area, come out and introduce yourself.  We will have some cool stuff to give away and go over this exciting new open source ColdFu...

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Powered by ContentBox CMS!

Luis Majano |  March 01, 2012

We are now live running our upcoming product: ContentBox.  We are so excited about migrating our entire site and now even sporting a great blog which we call our Ortus BlogBox, in tradition of our *Box products.  So please stay tuned to our blog concerning i...

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ColdBox Validation Engine for v3.5

Luis Majano |  February 26, 2012

Just a quick announcement that we now have finally implemented a validation engine and aggregator in ColdBox for 3.5 release.  And in true professional open source style, fully documented:  It has an embedded validation engine but it also allows you to use ANY validation framework within ANY ColdBox application as long as it satisfies a few interfaces.  Check out our documentation page but here is a little teaser:

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Zurich ColdBox Boot Camp in April

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

Welcome to our first ColdBox Boot Camp in Europe.  A glorious 5 day training boot camp featuring our most popular courses and our latest upcoming release ColdBox Platform 3.5.0.  All 3 courses will be delivered by Luis Majano, creator of the ColdBox Platform.

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