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Tip of the Week: Using Rewrites to Clean Up Your URLs

Brad Wood |  July 17, 2012


The typical ColdBox application always has "index.cfm" somewhere in each URL.  This is required so the web server knows to have your CFML application server process the request.  With the SES intereceptor you can eliminate the query string, but do you wonder how some websites get away with no file at all for super pretty URLs like
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Tip of the Week: View Caching

Brad Wood |  July 10, 2012
Do you have slow views whose output rarely or never changes? You can get an easy boost in performance by caching those views so they are not re-rendered on every request.

The following code shows two ways to cache the output from a view for a given number of minutes.
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The Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Excited About the Month of August

Luis Majano |  July 09, 2012

The month of August has us excited and here are 3 reasons why it should have you excited too!

Reason #1:  RIACON 2012

Rich Internet Applications Conference - Washington DC

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CBDW Featured Session: Seamless ColdBox-Powered Rich Internet Applications

Brad Wood |  July 08, 2012

There's 2 weeks left before ColdBox Developer Week delivers a solid week of online ColdBox-related CFML training.  We have 15 different sessions lined up and the one I'd like to feature today is "Seamless ColdBox-Powered Rich Internet Applications" by Phill Nacelli.  This session will be held at 1pm CST on Thursday, July 26th.

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Tip of the Week: Using Implicit Views

Brad Wood |  July 03, 2012

Everyone should be familiar with the setView method in the event object which is used for a handler's action to tell the framework which view file should be used to render the event:




What you may not realize is that calling setView() is optional.  If you don't explicitly set a view file, ColdBox will then look for the view according to the executing event's syntax.

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ColdBox Developer Week 2012

Frank Pimentel |  July 01, 2012

It is time for the first ever ColdBox Developer Week. We are bringing you a full week of ColdBox-related training right to your desktop. You will be trained by ColdBox experts from all over the world. Don't worry if you are not  familiar with ColdBox because  we will be having courses that range from beginner topics such as getting started with ColdBox all the way to advance cources such as depende...

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Coming Soon: ColdBox Developer Week 2012

Brad Wood |  July 01, 2012

The ColdBox team is excited to announce the first ever ColdBox Developer week.  In conjunction with the release of ColdBox 3.5 and our new CMS ContentBox, we're cooking up a full week of completely free ColdBox-related training put on by ColdBox experts from around the world.  CBDW will all be online training happening the week of July 23rd through 27th.  We have beginner topics showing how to get started in ColdBox as well as advanced sessions covering things like dependency injection and AOP.

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Tip of the Week: Using singletonReload for Development

Brad Wood |  June 27, 2012

Many of you using models in your ColdBox app are familiar with how easy WireBox makes it to use the Singleton Pattern for components that are only created once in the life of your app.  

This can also be a bit of a pain when you are working on the code inside your singleton objects.  Any changes require you to re-create the singleton object which typically involves a reinit of the framework.  ColdBox has a handy setting for you to use on your development environment called singletonReload.  

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RIACON ContentBox CMS Workshop (Washington, DC)

Luis Majano |  June 19, 2012

I'm here to announce the first ContentBox: Modular Content Engine Workshop (  This workshop will also be after RIACON 2012 on August 11th, 2012.  This one day event will introduce you to this new open source content engine.  We will be covering topics such as:

  • Installation in 5 minutes
  • ...
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RIACON ColdBox Boot Camp (Washington DC)

Luis Majano |  June 19, 2012

This is our first ColdBox Boot Camp in the DC area thanks to RIACON 2012.  Boy are we excited: boot camp is taking place right after RIACON 2012 on August 8th, 9th and 10th.

We will be doing CBOX 100 that concentrate...

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