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Reminder to Submit your ContentBox Christmas Contest Entries in the Next 10 Days

Brad Wood |  December 06, 2012
Just a quick reminder, there are only 10 days left before entries have to be submitted for the ContentBox Christmas Contest.   We're giving away a Kindle Fire and $100 worth of gift cards to the top two winners.  All you have to do is write a cool theme or module for the ContentBox Modular CMS, and submit it to ForgeBox.  Don't forget t...
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Tip of the Week: Implicit View Dispatch

Brad Wood |  December 05, 2012


In the past we've talked about implicit views in ColdBox which mean that if the action in your event handler doesn't call setView() explicitly, ColdBox will use conventions to try and find the view to render.  Well, ColdBox also supports something called Implicit View Dispatch which goes one step further and allows you to dispatch a view to the user without running any event at all.
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Tip of the Week: ColdBox Routes

Brad Wood |  November 28, 2012


Hopefully you are already familiar with the format of a default ColdBox URL when using the SES interceptor.
Of course, a simple rewrite rule can simplify that even further to:
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ColdBox Connection Today at Noon CST

Brad Wood |  November 20, 2012

Today, we will be having another of our regularly scheduled ColdBox Connection Meetings at Noon Central time.  Kalen will be leading a short discussion on integration testing.  Please stop by and ask some questions.

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ColdBox LITE is here!

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2012

We are so proud to announce our general availability of ColdBox LITE!  Hmm, what is ColdBox LITE?

ColdBox LITE (CBL) is an MVC framework with a subset of features of the ColdBox Platform that deal with MVC only. Thus, providing a light-weight conventions based MVC framework. Since ColdBox itself is built with modularity, CBL was the last piece we wanted to decouple from the platform to provide yet another standalone library for ColdFusion. CBL focuses on providing developers a light weight MVC engine in two flavors:

The ORM flavor includes all of our ORM additions such as Active Entity, ORM base and virtual services, Hibernate criteria and detached criteria builders and ORM Dependency Injection. CBL also includes WireBox as the standard engine that provides access to the model, dependency injection and persistence.

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ContentBox Utilities 4 Adobe CF Builder

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2012

Our engineering team is proud to introduce our ContentBox Utilities extension for Adobe ColdFusion Builder IDE.  This IDE is an incredible IDE for ...

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ContentBox is Giving Away a Kindle Fire for Christmas

Luis Majano |  November 14, 2012

Check out the sweet contest just announced on the ContentBox blog.  In celebration of the release of ColdBox Lite and to lift everyone's Christmas spirits, it has just been announced that anyone who wants to make a theme or module for ContentBox  and share it on ForgeBox will be entered in to win a Kindle Fire and ot...

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Tip of the Week: Regular and Private Request Collection

Brad Wood |  November 14, 2012


In a ColdBox request, form, URL, and remote (proxy request) variables are merged together into the request collection which is accessible via event.getCollection() or as the "rc" struct passed into every action in your handlers.  Data needed to process that request can be added and retrieved from this collection at any time during the request as it is available to any layouts and views as well.  
What you may not now howeve...
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Come Check Out ColdBox Lite Tomorrow at Noon CST and Learn How to Win a Kindle Fire

Brad Wood |  November 13, 2012

I want to make sure everyone knows about the special ColdBox Connection meeting scheduled this Wednesday at Noon CST.  We'll be unveiling ColdBox Lite, a new way to have excellent MVC conventions for small projects without worrying about depth of the full ColdBox Framework.  What's best, is that you can graduate up to full ColdBox at any time with a single line of code in your Application.cfc.

If that isn't enough to get you there, what if I told you there's also...

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ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 13, 2012

ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0 has now been released sporting an awesome new datasource and db installer that will make installing ContentBox a breeze, mobile layout detection, layout inheritance, new UI actions and so muc...

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