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New ColdBox Team Member: Brad Wood

Luis Majano |  April 29, 2011
I am officially announcing a new Team Member to our ColdBox Team: Brad Wood.  Brad has been working with us for quite a while now and is an absolute detailed developer.  He has helped in core development in several areas from caching, WireBox, renderings and so much more.  He is also incredibly helpful in the forums and a very smart cookie.  It is really a pleasure to work with him, so thanks Brad for dedicated so much of your time to this community project.  Welcome abo...
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2 more weeks cfobjective ColdBox training

Luis Majano |  April 25, 2011
This is a reminder that our registration for our pre-cfobjective ColdBox training is only open for a few more days and only a few seats are left.  The courses we are offering are:
  • CBOX100 : Intro To ColdBox A great place for you to start with your ColdBox MVC development.
  • CBOX202 : WireBox Dependency Injection Do you want to learn about dependency injection, object de-coupling, messaging? Then t...
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ColdBox at CFHour

Luis Majano |  April 21, 2011
I completely forgot about this, so I am posting now.  Curt Gratz and I had the privilege of being interviewed by CFHour a few days before our big 3.0 release.  This interview is packed with some great stuff, so we invite you to tune in:

ColdBox California Training in 15 days

Luis Majano |  April 11, 2011
Just a reminder that our California ColdBox Trainings is coming up real soon! 
  • CBOX 101 - 3 Day Training April 27th - April 29th
  • CBOX 203 - 2 Day Training April 30th - May 1st
There are still several seats left and prices are very attractive, so what are you waiting for? Come, learn and...
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ColdBox Wiki Docs Skins Shared

Luis Majano |  April 06, 2011
Since we love collaboration and giving back to the community, we have just opened our Wiki Docs Skins github repository so you can check out how we build out our wiki docs skins for CodexWiki and hopefully you guys can send us your skins and we can use them on the wiki docs site :)
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New ColdBox Wiki Docs

Luis Majano |  April 06, 2011
We have been wanting to update all our sites for a long time and the docs where first. Yesterday we updated our codex skins for the coldbox wiki docs and also started our documentation revisions and updates. You will see that it is now much much better organized and our new quick index feature enables you to get to content even faster. Hopefully in the coming weeks we will have all our docum...
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Modules Contest Ends This Friday

Luis Majano |  April 04, 2011
Just a quick reminder that our Modules Contest ends this Friday! So get to it, build some apps! Modules Contest URL:
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ColdBox Connection Recording: ColdBox 3.0.0

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2011
Thanks for attending our 3rd ColdBox Connection webinar today!  This webinar focused on ColdBox 3.0.0 release and goodies.  Here is the recording for the show!...
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ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 Released

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2011

I am so happy to finally announce ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 today on March 3.0, 2011. It has been over a year of research, testing, development, coding, long long nights, 1 beautiful baby girl, lots of headaches, lots of smiles, inspiration, blessings, new contributors, new team members, new company, new hopes, and ambitions. Overall, what an incredible year for ColdFusion and ColdBox development. I can finally say that this release has been the most ambitious release and project I have tackled in my entire professional life. I am so happy of the results and its incredible community response and involvement. So thank you so much Team ColdBox and all the community for the support and long hours of testing, ideas and development.

ColdBox 3 has been on a journey of 6 defined milestones and 2 release candidates in a spawn of over a year of development. Our vision was revamping the engine into discrete and isolated parts:

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CacheBox 1.2 Released

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2011

In the spirit of more releases, here is: CacheBox 1.2.0CacheBox is an enterprise caching engine, aggregator and API for ColdFus...

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