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ColdBox Kindle Book in the UK

Luis Majano |  August 22, 2010

Just a reminder that the ColdBox Book is ...

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ColdBox Job Opening

Luis Majano |  August 21, 2010

My friend Brett send me a request for a job posting and it has been added to the ColdBox Jobs section but I am also posting it here (

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3.0.0 M6.2 Update Released

Luis Majano |  August 19, 2010
This is a small update to our M6 milestone to counter a critical fix discovered after launch.  This fix is targeted towards the cache in compatibility mode, meaning it is NOT using cachebox.  This affects event caching only.  The release bits have been updated but if you just want the patch, you can
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3.0.0 M6.1 Update Released

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2010
This is a small update to our M6 milestone to counter for some critical fixes discovered after launch. Below are the issues updated:
  • Goodies: Some sample applications already updated to 3.0.0 standards
  • ORM announceInterception() causing lots of overhead when in debug mode if ORM Event Handler was enabled
  • Fix on ORM delete functions missing comma on throw statement
  • Fix on Application templates for d...
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Initial CacheBox documentation released

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2010

We are working hard to finalize the entire documentation for our new framework ColdBox CacheBox, and we are now ready to release it into the wild.  Granted, there are still sections to complete, we feel comfortable this initial release will help everybody out and give you an insight into how powerful CacheBox is.

New ColdBox Training pre Adobe Max in Los Angeles

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2010

We have just released our new training course 3 days before Adobe Max 2010 in Los Angeles, California (October 22,23,24).  This is a brand new course for CBOX-101 as it includes everything for ColdBox 3.0.0 + a 1 day workshop where we will do boot camp coding!  You have the option of either attending the 2 day train...

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New ColdBox Training Testimonial: George Murphy

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2010
I just got a video testimonial by my friend George Murphy.  Thanks George for sending it in!

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ColdBox ORM service changes from M5 to M6

Luis Majano |  August 12, 2010

There have been several changes from the ORM support classes from M5 to M6 that I will recap here thanks to muji in our google group and also to help out in the transition.  Our ORM support services are maturing every day and moving to a great solid release for 3.0.0 Final.  So let’s recap some of the changes:


  • Entity dependency injection are now controller and configured via the Autowire interceptor and not the ORM event handler anymore.  However, the ORM event hand...
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