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ColdBox preCfunited Training closes this Friday

Luis Majano |  July 19, 2010

This Friday is the last day to register for our pre-CFUnited training on the ColdBox Platform.  We are really excited to present entirely new material for this training all based on the upcoming 3.0.0 release targeted for mid August.

So if you would like to learn about this exciting and enterprise ready ColdFusion development pla...

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LogBox 1.4 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 12, 2010

Our amazing LogBox: Enterprise Logging Library reaches another step in maturity to version 1.4.  This release has some great additions but also some needed fixes.  We have now also added the ability to download and view the CFC API Docs online thanks to

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ColdBox eBook sample chapters

Luis Majano |  July 07, 2010
As this has been requested enough times, here is a sample eBook from the ColdBox Definitive Guide.  This PDF contains a few sample chapters and the table of contents.  Hope you enjoy it and encourage you to buy the real deal and support us!

Download eBook Sample
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New ColdBox eBooks and prices slashed!

Luis Majano |  July 07, 2010

Just a nice reminder that our ColdBox eBooks have been price slashed to $29.99 in honor of having a great summer!  So check out our new offerings below and if the prices have not been updated yet, then please wait as the catalogs are updated.  FYI: The eBook format now supports printing, copy/...
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What happens at ColdBox Training?

Luis Majano |  July 01, 2010

Here is a little insight of what happens at ColdBox Training:


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Coldbox 3.0 and the CFC Config...

Curt Gratz |  June 29, 2010

One of my favorite new features of Coldbox 3.0 is the ability to have a CFC only config file. Thats right, no more XML. No don't get me wrong, XML has its place, but I love the ability to get funky with my config file. With it now being a CFC, I can do some crazy cool stuff.

For example

  1. I can now have my config files all extend a base config file or any other CFC, now thats cool.
  2. I can get creative with defining my enviromental variables, or create any other kind of helper functions.
  3. I can easily set a variable anywhere in the config file and EASILY refer to it.

These are just a few of the ways that I have already taken advantage of the Config.cfc.

What are some ways you have? Feel free to comment with any crazy or funky ideas you've used or plan to use with a fully ColdFusion-ifide (its a word, look it up) config file, I'd love to hear them.

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Where in Europe is ColdBox?

Luis Majano |  June 17, 2010

Howdy fellow Europeans!!  I wanted to survey out where in Europe do we have some ColdBox users or potential users.  We are planning some big things for Europe this year, so we want to know where you are so we can go there.  So please fill this quick survey out and contribute to ColdBox! Thanks!