One of my favorite new features of Coldbox 3.0 is the ability to have a CFC only config file.
Thats right, no more XML. No don't get me wrong, XML has its place, but I love the ability
to get funky with my config file. With it now being a CFC, I can do some crazy cool stuff.
For example
- I can now have my config files all extend a base config file or any other CFC, now thats cool.
- I can get creative with defining my enviromental variables, or create any other kind of helper functions.
- I can easily set a variable anywhere in the config file and EASILY refer to it.
These are just a few of the ways that I have already taken advantage of the Config.cfc.
What are some ways you have? Feel free to comment with any crazy or funky ideas you've used
or plan to use with a fully ColdFusion-ifide (its a word, look it up) config file, I'd love to hear them.