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Quick 4.0.0 Released

Eric Peterson |  August 03, 2020

Quick 4.0.0 was released this past week and brought with it some welcome quality-of-life improvements, a handy new counts feature, improvements to error messages, and a bunch of squashed bugs. Although it is technically a major version change, most users will be able to upgrade with no changes to their code. Let's dive in to see what's new.

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qb 8.0.0 Released

Eric Peterson |  July 31, 2020

qb 8.0.0 was released this past week, and it brings with it a small handful of new features. While this is technically a major release, I don't expect anyone to actually have a breaking change. In fact, I expect this will save you time and headaches as it has for me.

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CFCasts - A Peek Inside the Tech Stack

Eric Peterson |  June 30, 2020

Being a new platform from Ortus, I wanted to take some time to dive in to the tech stack we are using to build CFCasts. Many people ask us how we would build a modern CFML site. Well, here's at least one answer.

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ColdBox 6 RC Released!

Luis Majano |  May 15, 2020

We are so excited to bring you the first public release candidate of the next generation of ColdBox HMVC , version 6.0. Enjoy as we are almost ready for final release.

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TestBox v4.0.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  April 29, 2020

We are excited to announce a major version release of [TestBox](/products/testbox) version 4.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: `install testbox --saveDev` or to update your TestBox installation `update testbox`. So let's explore this release!
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ColdBox 6 Beta Released!

Luis Majano |  April 20, 2020

We are so excited to bring you the first public beta of the next generation of ColdBox HMVC , version 6.0. This version has been in development for quite some time now and it is introducing some revolutionary new programming techniques for ColdFusion (CFML) developers. This major bump is a huge leap into modern programming and breaksthrough to the next generation of apps we are building at Ortus. Enjoy!

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VSCode CommandBox Extension Released

Luis Majano |  April 13, 2020

We are so excited to announce the first release of the CommandBox VSCode extension. This extension is thanks to the great work of (Kamasamak) and will integrate CommandBox into VS Code.

You are expected to have CommandBox installed on your system.

Just click on the VS Code extensions tab and search for commandbox, install, refresh, play!

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Quick v3.0.0 Alpha Released

Eric Peterson |  April 07, 2020

It's finally here, the first alpha of Quick 3.0.0. Come read about the headline features of this next major release.

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TestBox v3.2.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 27, 2020

We are excited to announce a new minor release of TestBox version 3.2.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release

What's New With 3.2.0

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Using CFConfig to apply Government STIGs to ColdFusion servers

Brad Wood |  January 27, 2020

I wanted to highlight a recent project I help a client out with, where we used CFConfig to help automate the process of applying government STIGs to ColdFusion servers.  A STIG, or Security Technical Implementation Guide, is meant to standardize the process of setting up and auditing secure servers.  If you manage servers in a government or corporate setting, you may be familiar with this.  If not, you should still be automating your locks downs anyway, so keep reading.  

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