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CFConversations interview

Luis Majano |  February 03, 2009

I did an interview for CFConversations back in October and it is now released.  Please check it out by visiting the cfconversations website. It was a true pleasure to talk to

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Come see Adobe debate Microsoft at the IECFUG

Luis Majano |  January 27, 2009

Come join us for "The battle for control of the future of computing debate at

7 PM (PST/GMT +8) on Thursday, February 12 in the Bronco Student Center (Ursa Minor) at California ...
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ColdBox Plugin using Brian Kotek's Form Utilities

Luis Majano |  January 27, 2009
Tony Garcia has posted an excellent tutorial on how to use Brian Kotek's Form Utilities within a ColdBox Application with easy and elegance.

Thanks for this great tutorial Tony!!
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Seminar FAQ Update and Hotel Discounts Posted

Luis Majano |  January 26, 2009
If you have not registered to go to the CBOX-101 Core ColdBox Training Seminar, what are you waiting for? The early bird ends in 2 weeks and you can now save over $300!!  Come learn more about ColdBox in Sunny California in a seminar with over 16+ hours of intense training and networking. So go now and register!!

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CBOX101 Training Seminar in Southern California now open

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2009
ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars Announces Early-Bird Special Pricing for March 14-15 2008 CBOX 101- Core ColdBox Seminar in Ontario, California.  Welcome to where it's sunny and warm!

ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars today announces an Early-Bird Special discount registration price of just $895 for...
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Loading ColdBox Settings from the database

Luis Majano |  January 16, 2009
The ColdBox configuration file has a place for you as the developer to create as many custom setting variables as you like.  You can create simple or complex settings via JSON notation.  This approach is great, but sometimes, you want for these variables to be, well, more dynamic.  The following UDF helps you achieve this, by storing your name-value pairs of settings in a persisten storage such as a database.  Then just basically call this UDF from your application start hand...
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Code Depot updates, new plugin and interceptor

Luis Majano |  January 14, 2009
Dutch Rapley has contributed two nice additions, a POST method plugin and a form inspector interceptor. Please check them out here in our code depot.
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ColdBox 2.6.2 Fixes and Patches

Luis Majano |  January 08, 2009
There have been some bug fixes and patches to 2.6.2 that can be located on our daily build and SVN.  If you are curious of what these bugs are and how milestone 2.6.3 is shaping up, please go here and check it out.

2.6.3 will be our last maintenance release in our 2.X ColdBox Series before we start development on ColdBox 3.0.0 which will be a nice move ahead from our past 15 versions.  We have tons of ex...
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ColdBox will be at CFUnited 2009

Luis Majano |  January 07, 2009

I am happy to announce that ColdBox will be at CFUnited 2009. Our topic to showcase our new ColdBox Platform was accepted and will be debuting at CFUnited 2009. So if you want to register for one of the best ColdFusion conferences in the world,
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ColdBox Eclipse Plugins Updated v1.0.7

Luis Majano |  December 21, 2008
Alongside the ColdBox 2.6.2 release we have also released the Eclipse Reference Plugins version 1.0.7.  You can find the instructions on how to download, update or install in our Eclipse Plugins Guide.

Thanks and enjoy!!
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