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ColdBox 1.1.0 Update: ColdBox Reader 1.1.0 Preview

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have deployed the latest build of the 1.1.0 release to my website and now providing the backbone for this blog, the forums, and ColdBox Reader. This post is to showcase ColdBox Reader. It is a web 2.0 application built using ColdBox and Ajax interactions. You can start checking it out here: ColdBox Reader This is a shared rss reader that will captivate your mind. Here is a screenshot of the application:

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Getting Ready for ColdBox 1.1.0: Exceptions Listings, Documentation, Need help and more.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

In preparation for the 1.1.0 release of ColdBox, I am writing documentation like crazy so I can help developers understand more on how to use this framework. I have just finished all of the Guides and a new section which actually lists all the thrown exceptions by the framework. You can take a look at the list here: Exceptions List Guides: Guides FAQ ...

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I won't be at MAX, but Oscar Will

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I won't be going this year to MAX, due to me starting a new job at ESRI the coming month. SO you won't be able to drill me with questions about ColdBox. However, Oscar Arevalo is on its way as the representative of Home Portals ( and ColdBox. He is part of the ColdBox team, so if you see him at the conference, ask him!! He has the latest copy of 1.1.0 preview, so if you are interested, you can bump a copy from him. Sorry Oscar!!...

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Online ColdBox Reader Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have just updated my ColdBox RSS Reader in order for users to update their profile and request new passwords. So now you can change your password and update your email address. So please head over there: ColdBox Reader And update your profile or if you do not have a profile, then create one and start sharing your feeds. By the way, it is running on ColdBox 1.1.0 Luis

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ColdBox 1.1.0 Release and Dashboard Preview

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Finally, I have just updated the site to hold the latest release 1.1.0. This is a major upgrade thanks to all the feedback on the 1.0.2 version. It includes tons of fixes and more aspect programming. You can download it as usual from the projects sections Download ColdBox

What is New?

Well, a lot!! JEJEJE. Here is some of the new features and capabilities.

  • Varscoper Ch...
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Frameworks Conference, I got nominated. Vote for me

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just realized that I got nominated to speak at the Frameworks Conference in DC in February. So if you really support ColdBox and would like a ColdBox 101 session for this conference, then go to the link below and vote for me. Thanks again for your ColdBox support.

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ColdBox Google Groups Created!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just created the ColdBox Google Groups Mailing List. You can use it for solving issues, bugs, discussions or anything you like. Also, if you forward any messages to and it is a valid bug it will be started as a discussion also if need be. Here is the info:

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Why does ColdBox exist? Why another framework?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I recently found some great comments about a user commenting on ColdBox, why it exists, why create it, etc. I found it enlightening because, not many people have used this yet, it is fairly new to the open source community and it is my job to write more about the nature of ColdBox and using a coldfusion framework. So to introduce the article I have to note that ColdBox is another tool for web application development. Just like mach-ii and model-glue. Some people want competition and which one is the best. I do not believe in that. I believe in cooperation and finding the best solution to a problem, no matter what. I even wish that all the framework authors can join and create a solution. (Anybody listening?? A standard??) So please understand, that object oriented approaches and enterprise level application architectures will be complex and you should study upon them. Here is my article:

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ColdBox Framework SVN access now available!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have been deliberating whether to open the SVN repo to anonymous access so people interested in the project can actually test new builds and ideas. Since the framework has been receiving an overwhelming response and my commitment to the project has been growing and brewing. I have decided to open SVN access to the repository. Below you will find the connection information.

CAUTION: checking out the latest builds, means using bleeding edge and probably not yet tested software, ...

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ColdBox Framework: Should the fwreinit action be protected?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have had some suggestions for the fwreinit flag to be protected in order to reinitialize the application at hand. What do you think? Is this overkill? The application reinitializes, but it does not crash. It just adds some extra cycles to the request in order to clear and reinit the app. Please send me your comments, suggestions? Should an application reinit, be password protected? Thanks, Luis

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