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ColdBox Dashboard supports railo as an archive.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

The ColdBox Dashboard application is now fully functional on Railo 2.0RC and will be distributed as the Railo Archive is prepared for it. As of now, Railo fans will have to wait somewhat for the inclusion of the archive. So please bear with me as the Archive is included. As of now, the dashboard is compiled to work on Adobe ColdFusion 7 & 8, and BlueDragon 6 and 7. Than...

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ColdBox: Unit Test your framework application guide!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just updated the previous unit testing guide over at the Trac site with a much more in depth overview of unit testing in ColdBox. It covers on how ColdBox does unit testing for your handlers, how you can create unit tests, unit test suites, how to integrate to Sean Corfields' cfcUnit facade to CFEclipse's CFUnit

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ColdBox Unit Testing your Event Handlers!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

With the advent of ColdBox 2.0.1 you are now able to unit test your event handlers, plugins, etc. I just completed a step by step guide on how to do this with the provided source in the bundle. Another interesting note is that the ColdBox Dashboard generates applications for you and yes, it also generates the unit tests for it. Unit Testing Handlers Guide So click on the link above to start unit t...

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ColdBox CFEclipse Dictionary & Insight. Happy 4th of July

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Happy 4th of July!! And to commemorate this great holiday, why not have a surprise features. Yes, CFEclipse tag insight, function and scope insight for ColdBox. You can now have insight into the major scopes of ColdBox like event, rc, controller and also all the methods that are used in event handlers, plugins, layouts and views. WOW!! A handy way of coding, and much much faster.

Event Insight...
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CFEclipse CFFrameworks Plugin now supports ColdBox!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

This might be a little late and silent, but thanks to Mark Drew and his insatiable coding skills we received a few days ago CFEclipse and with it an update to the CFFrameworks Plugin which includes support for ColdBox. This support is to visually see and maintain the ColdBox configuration file. You can view all of your settings and aspects, very nice indeed.

CFFrameworks Workshop: ColdBox

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Thanks to the guys over at, I will be doing my first ever workshop and presentation about ColdBox. The title for this workshop is "Down & Dirty with ColdBox". When: Wednesday, 18th July, 2007 @ 7:00pm PM GMT (2:00pm EST) Please register your interest online here. The URL for the event is:

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CFFrameworks Workshop on ColdBox Update!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Here is a basic script of what will be covered in the CFFRameworks workshop on July 18th. This script might change if it is too much to cover or not. I will be updating it as I go forward with it.

  • ColdBox "Down & Dirty" Presentation
    1. Introduction
      1. Who am I?
      2. What is ColdBox?
      3. Why ColdBox?
    2. Novel Features of ColdB...
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ColdBox Download Updated!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

The download has been updated with the correct files. For some reason I had overwritten the download with the Railo archives. However, the zip file has been updated and now you can download the good stuff. The zip file also includes now a coldbox.ras file in the install folder which is the Railo Archive of the framework.

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ColdBox Workshop Tomorrow @ CFFRameworks

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Just a reminder that tomorrow I will be holding a ColdBox worshop over with The time is 12PM Pacific (GMT -8). THe link for the URL is below: So please attend and find out more about this great framework.

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ColdBox Dashboard Client Variables Error!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

If you downloaded the Dashboard and are having problems with the client variables error, then don't worry, its just the clientmanagement setting to true that throws it. I have attached an Application.cfc for you that you can use instead. The next release will include an uncompiled Application.cfc Sorry for this...

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