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ColdBox & Ajax In a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Catchy and corny title, right? Well, get your mind out of the gutter now and welcome another new guide for you Ajax Masters!! ColdBox & Ajax In a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! It might be a short guide, but it sure is sweet!! Ok, enough with these corny references. Hope you enjoy it.

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ColdBox Dashboard gets a Trac Site!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, more development has been under way this weekend and there is a lot of exciting news and updates that will be coming in the next few weeks, but I can't tell you! :) However, I can tell you that the companion application to the ColdBox Framework has received a new Trac site at the following location: http://ortus.svnrepository....

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ColdBox 2.0.1, Dashboard 2.1.0 Released and much more!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Welcome to another wonderful release day. This day marks a milestone in ColdBox development as I deploy the new deployment formats and two separate products: ColdBox ColdFusion Framework and ColdBox Dashboard. They are now two separate products with separate licenses and development timelines. So enjoy these new versions!! Before the news and release notes I want to thank God for his wisdom in yet another action packed release and for giving me the projects to help the ColdFusion community....

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ColdBox Refactoring Guide!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

As with the new 2.0.1 release from yesterday, you now also get a new Refactoring Guide. This guide is a step by step guide on how to refactor ColdBox for use in your own custom server environments, shared environments or even embedding ColdBox in your commercial applications. Open The Refactoring Guide If you would like to add anything to this guide, please let me...

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ColdBox 2.0.1 Request Snapshot Debugger, see your data as events get fired!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

One of the most coolest features the 2.0.1 release brings is a Request Context snapshot viewer as part of the ColdBox Debugger. This snapshot shows you the state of your request at every specific event execution time. I find this tool extremely amazing, since I can see how my variables change, when they change, which event changed/added/removed them and much more. Look at the screenshot below:

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Dashboard Urgent Update!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Thanks to AJ Mercer, The application template included in the download for the dashboard became corrupt. I replaced them in the distribution files and I am attaching the zip file to this post. You can download it and place it under the following directory: {DashboardInstall}/model/templates/ Just replace the old zip file and you should be ok. If not, just download the bundle again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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ColdBox Cheat Sheet, come and get it!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just put together a ColdBox cheat sheet for all you ColdBox Developers. This cheat sheet gives you an overview of the most used functions in your every day development, tips and tricks. I have included a copy with the download bits and also in the track site. Now, you can also download it from here. ColdBox Cheat Sheet Again, this is a great way for you to learn the framework and have...

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Adam Fortuna: Automatically include your views with ColdBox

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Adam Fortuna created a post on a technique to automatically assign default views to your application, which is very very interesting. I also posted an alternate way of assigning default views/layouts to even any handler by just creating and implementing a preHandler or postHandler method on your handler. Great Snippet ...

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More ColdBox Guides: Plugin Guide, Reserved Words, Custom Config Files, and more.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

As always, more documentation so you can get to expand your knowledge on ColdBox. The following guides have been created and some have been updated:

New Guides

* Reserved Words & Methods Guide * Load Custom ColdBox Config Files *

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ColdBox 2.0.2 now out!! Come and get it!! Tons of new stuff.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, yet another ColdBox release!! This one is an exciting one as we approach the 2.1.0 release. More unit testing capabilities, less restrictions, more fixes and more great stuff. This release thanks to God's grace on permitting me do thing I though I could not do. So here is the list of fixes, features and updates. Ohh by the way, a whole new Dashboard is also release, version 2.2.0 with full Railo sup...

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