
Last Chance Call For Speakers: ColdBox Developers Week 2013

Brad Wood |  May 02, 2013
This is your last chance to sign up to speak at this year's ColdBox Developers Week.  We want community involvement, so if you're not on Team ColdBox or Team ContentBox you'll get a $25 Amazon gift card for helping out if you're chosen to present.   I need to get all the topic submissions in and finalized by 
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Introducing our 2013 Support Plans

Luis Majano |  April 27, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our 2013 ContentBox Ortus Support plans.  We have completely revamped and recreated our plans to not only offer better pricing, but also a monthly plan as well.  We have also created some new plans to offer great pricing and availability for Team ContentBox to do custom development for you. That's right! We can help code your projects and even be part of your coding team.

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Ortus Monthly Support Plan Released!

Luis Majano |  April 27, 2013

We have completely revamped and recreated our Ortus Support Plans for all our products (ColdBox, ContentBox, DataBoss, WireBox, CacheBox, etc) and even introduced custom development plans, so we can even help you build your apps in no time!  However, the plan we are most excited about is our new monthly M1 Plan.  With this plan you will be able to subscribe to our support services for a lo...

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Tip of the Week: Superclass is Optional For Handlers, Plugins, and Interceptors

Brad Wood |  April 24, 2013

In ColdBox, Event Handlers, Interceptors, and Plugins are represented as CFCs.  You are probably used to their signatures looking like this:

component extends="coldbox.system.EventHandler"{}

component extends="coldbox.system.Interceptor"{}


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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator v1.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  April 23, 2013

We are proud to announce today a minor release for Ortus DataBoss version 1.1.0.  This release fixes lots of issues reported and also introduces one of DataBoss' most impressive feature yet: RESTFul ORM exports.  You can now use DataBoss as a centralized data hub with export capabilities of data and entity with its relationships in JSON, JSONP, XML, WDDX or even PDF formats.  We have completely documented the RESTFul endpoints for DataBoss and even added pagination to the native API.

We have also added localized support for all dates and times and even added a fancy time picker to make time entry a lot easier for applications.

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Call For Speakers: ColdBox Developers Week 2013

Brad Wood |  April 09, 2013

We're looking for a some more sessions to help round out our line up for this year's ColdBox Developers Week.  If you are available between June 17-21st this year and want to give a 30-45 minute online presentation as part of CBDW 2013, we'd love to hear from you!  CBDW is a week of free online webinars presented by Team ContentBox and the community that apply to building awesome applications with any of the "Box" family of frameworks.

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