
ColdBox Connection Recording: Unit-IntegrationTesting and More

Luis Majano |  May 26, 2011
We just had a great connection regarding unit testing and integration testing and so much more.  Gave a sneek peak into ColdBox 3.1 and some cool WireBox AOP coming along.  So here are the details:

ColdBox Connection ##6: Unit, Integration Testing and More


In this episode, Luis Majano discusses the upcoming 3.1 release with AOP implementations. Also, our basics surrounding
unit testing, tools of the trade, integration t...

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ColdBox Connection Tomorrow: Testing & Mocking

Luis Majano |  May 25, 2011
Just a quick update that our ColdBox Connection tomorrow is at the same time and location (10AM PST).  We will be doing more hands on testing, mocking and open forum surrounding testing.  Hope to see you there!  You can also check out our connection recordings archive.


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ColdBox Training Coming To Texas in July

Luis Majano |  May 18, 2011

Just a reminder that we will be in Houston, Texas from July 6 to the 8th to deliver two awesome courses:

CBOX101 - Core ColdBox
Course URL:
Course Datasheet:

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ColdBox Integration Testing Basics Video

Luis Majano |  May 17, 2011
We are currently updating all of our documentation for our 3.0 and 3.1 releases and we are enhancing them with video screencasts so you can now also see what's going on.  This video introduces you to ColdBox integration testing and how to configure it from Eclipse or CF Builder.  Enjoy! ...
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ColdBox Platform Utilities v2.6 Released!

Luis Majano |  May 16, 2011
Version 2.6 of our Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension is now available.  This extension leverages more features about extensions from cfbuilder 2 that will blow your mind.  From having our debuggers embedded in builder, to documentation search views, ORM entity modeling and CRUD generation, to ForgeBox connectivity.  So do an auto-update or just
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CFObjective 2011 Presentations and Code

Luis Majano |  May 16, 2011
Here are the links to all the presentations we did at CFObjective 2011 and some sample code of everything we showed off in this year's conference.  You can see our upcoming ColdBox 3.1 in action with all of its entity and html generation goodness, our new ColdBox Platform Utilities that was released and of course WireBox Dependen...
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WireBox ORM Entity Injection Howto

Luis Majano |  May 11, 2011

Here is a cool video showcasing how to activate WireBox's ORM Entity injection when you are building applications with ColdFusion ORM and ColdBox.  Enjoy:

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ColdBox CFObjective Happy Hour

Luis Majano |  May 06, 2011

The ColdBox team will be holding a small, intimite gathering of ColdBox aficionados at cfObjective on Thursday May 12th at 6:30pm. If you are attending the cfObjective confernece or live in the Minneapolis, MN area we hope you will join us for a fun evening. Team ColdBox will be there and we welcome the chance to discuss ColdBox, the roadmap or anything else you like.


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ColdBox at the Los Angelese User Group Tonight

Luis Majano |  May 04, 2011
Just a quick reminder that we will go to the Los Angeles User Group tonight and present on ColdBox Platform 3.0.  So if you want to stop by and get some ColdBox goodies, learn about ColdBox, meet some cool developers and just plain' ol geek hangout! Then see you there:
5959 W. Century Blvd.
Suite 1111
Los Angeles, CA 90045-5475...
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ColdBox CFObjective Training Registration Ends Sunday!

Luis Majano |  May 02, 2011

This is a reminder that our pre CFObjective training for ColdBox and WireBox dependency injection ends this week.  We have some crazy discounts for this week only, so better get them while they last:

We will be holding two trainings:

CBOX100 - A 2 day intense course that will cover the ColdBox Platform and some great ha...

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