
ColdBox Platform Extensions v2.8 Released

Luis Majano |  February 22, 2012

We are glad to announce the new release of our ColdBox Platform Extensions version 2.8.  You can either do an Auto-Update from the extension itself or just manually download it from ForgeBox:

Version 2.8

  • Updated to use new Forg...
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FileBrowser v1.4 released!

Luis Majano |  February 15, 2012

Just a quick note that our ColdBox FileBrowser module that helps you manage files in an application has an update.


Version 1.4
  • Fixes to  missing interception points
  • Changed all interception points to be namespaced with fb_ (Please update your interceptors)
  • Addition of new events: 
  •     "fb_postF...
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HQL Query to Criteria Query Example

Curt Gratz |  February 08, 2012

I have been using criteria queries in favor of HQL queries quite a bit latley, so I thought  I would do a quick post of what a query would look like in HQL and then the same query written as a criteria query.

Some of the reasons I like to use criteria queries are

  • Readablity
  • No building up query strings and concatenating them to build a complex query
  • Powerful Object Oriented API

You can learn more...

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Dallas CF Summit Training Sale

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

There are only 15 days to our ColdBox Trainings in Dallas, Texas before the Open CF Summit and we are holding a sale extravaganza as we need to fill out our seats.  So here are $350 dollars off the regular price! So just for $645 attend our 2 days courses!  But hurry as the sale ends soon!


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Zurich ColdBox Boot Camp in April

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

Welcome to our first ColdBox Boot Camp in Europe.  A glorious 5 day training boot camp featuring our most popular courses and our latest upcoming release ColdBox Platform 3.5.0.  All 3 courses will be delivered by Luis Majano, creator of the ColdBox Platform.

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ColdBox FileBrowser video

Luis Majano |  January 30, 2012

A nice short video of how to start with the ColdBox FileBrowser module:




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ColdBox FileBrowser is here!

Luis Majano |  January 30, 2012

A big thanks to Curt Gratz on his awesome efforts and collaboration on this project.  The ColdBox FileBrowser module is now available for mass consumption and is a front-runner in ContentBox for media management and integration with CKEditor.

So what is FileBrowser? FileBrowser is a ColdBox Module that will enable file management capabilities in your applications.  It can also act as a file or directory chooser and has full integration with

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ColdBox Connection: ContentBox Recording

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2012

Here is the recording for our presentation today on ContentBox:

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ColdBox Connection: ContentBox January 19th

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2012
To start our 2012 ColdBox Connection schedule right, we will be showcasing a first look at ContentBox this Thursday January 19th, 2012 at our usual time: 10AM Pacific Standard Time in our usual channel: 

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