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Tip of the Week: What is a Soft Reference Cache Anyway?

Brad Wood |  May 07, 2013

CacheBox contains a number of different cache providers ranging from EHCache to Railo's Memcached.  There is also a provider implemented in ColdFusion simply called the "CacheBox Provider" and two of it's stores are the ConcurrentStore and the ConcurrentSoftReferenceStore.  You may have wondered what the "soft reference" part means and why you would want to use it.  If that's you, here's some history and explanation.  

In Java, Whether or not an object is garbage...

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Last Chance Call For Speakers: ColdBox Developers Week 2013

Brad Wood |  May 02, 2013
This is your last chance to sign up to speak at this year's ColdBox Developers Week.  We want community involvement, so if you're not on Team ColdBox or Team ContentBox you'll get a $25 Amazon gift card for helping out if you're chosen to present.   I need to get all the topic submissions in and finalized by 
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Tip of the Week: Superclass is Optional For Handlers, Plugins, and Interceptors

Brad Wood |  April 24, 2013

In ColdBox, Event Handlers, Interceptors, and Plugins are represented as CFCs.  You are probably used to their signatures looking like this:

component extends="coldbox.system.EventHandler"{}

component extends="coldbox.system.Interceptor"{}


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Call For Speakers: ColdBox Developers Week 2013

Brad Wood |  April 09, 2013

We're looking for a some more sessions to help round out our line up for this year's ColdBox Developers Week.  If you are available between June 17-21st this year and want to give a 30-45 minute online presentation as part of CBDW 2013, we'd love to hear from you!  CBDW is a week of free online webinars presented by Team ContentBox and the community that apply to building awesome applications with any of the "Box" family of frameworks.

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Tip of the Week: Using the AntiSamy Plugin to Clean User Input

Brad Wood |  March 28, 2013

If your site ever displays text on the page that end users have control over, you should be concerned about XSS attacks.  This could come in the form of user comments at the bottom of an article, user-generated content, or user profile information.  In many instances, the user should never be entering any HTML and you might simply fully escape that text with HTMLEditFormat() or EncodeForHTML() as you output it.

Other times you may be dealing with a forum or message board t...

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