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Tip of the Week: Complex ColdBox Settings

Brad Wood |  January 30, 2013


One of the handy things about the ColdBox settings CFC is you can store ad-hoc settings for your application which can be retrieved or injected anywhere in your application.  
Remember, since your settings config is just a struct in a CFC, you aren't limited to settings which are strings.  You can store pretty much any kind of setting that will fit into a ColdFusion variable.

ColdBox BootCamp at Scotch on the Rocks 2013

Luis Majano |  January 16, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our very first European ColdBox BootCamp of the year.  We will be holding an amazing ColdBox BootCamp before this year's Scotch on the Rocks conference from June 3rd to the 5th.  This bootcamp will include a medley of our professional training courses and lead by ColdBox creator Luis Majano.  We will be reviewing the major portions of these courses, building applica...

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ColdBox BootCamp at CF.Objective 2013

Luis Majano |  January 11, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our very first ColdBox BootCamp of the year.  We will be holding an amazing ColdBox BootCamp before this year's CF.Objective 2013 conference from May 13th to the 15th.  The schedule of courses we will be offering are the following:

  • May 13-14: A combination of CBOX 100 and 101 led by ColdBox creator Luis Majano
  • May 15: CBOX 204 Testing, Mocking, Stubbing, Oh My! led by ColdBox Team member Curt Gratz

The location of the training location is just 5 minutes away from the Conference Venue.

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Tip of the Week: Decorating Your Controller

Brad Wood |  January 11, 2013


If you've ever wanted to modify any behavior of the core ColdBox controller, you can now do so as of version 3.5.3 with the Controller Decorator feature.  This is accomplished much like the Request Context Decorator.
First, add a configuration setting called "ControllerDecorator" in the coldbox struct of your config file.  

ColdBox LITE at the San Francisco CFUG

Luis Majano |  January 08, 2013

We are excited to announce that we will be presenting about ColdBox LITE at the San Francisco User Group on January 17th, 2013 @ 7pm.  So if you are close to the San Francisco area, please stop by and join us for some great food, drinks and geek talk!

For those of you who do not know what ColdBox LITE is, here is a little synopsis:

ColdBox LITE (CBL) is an MVC framework with a subset of features o...

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Tip of the Week: Defaulting Values in the Request Collection

Brad Wood |  December 29, 2012
The request collection is a struct of values which are aggregated from the FORM and URL scopes as well as remote parameters to proxy requests.  The data in your request collection is available via methods in the event object or by referencing the "rc" struct directly.
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Tip of the Week: Using Interceptors

Brad Wood |  December 20, 2012


One of the most powerful parts of the ColdBox framework are interceptors.  Interception points are events that happen over the life cycle of your application or a user request which are broadcast by the framework.  Examples would be preProcess (when a request first comes in), onException (when an error happens), or preViewRender (before a view is rendered).  If you any code you want to execute at those points, or if you want to override/modify the default...
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ColdBox Connection On ColdBox ORM And ContentBox Contest Winners Announced

Brad Wood |  December 17, 2012

Everyone, we have an exciting ColdBox Connection scheduled for tomorrow, the 18th.  First, we'll be announcing the winners of our ContentBox Christmas Contest.  We're super excited about the submissions we received.  They're all out on ForgeBox already waiting to be installed and played with. 


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Ortus Products Available As Railo Extensions

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce the availability of all our major products as Railo Extensions today.  Railo is an incredible open source ColdFusion engine that supports all of our products with 1 click installs.  The extensions that we have made available starting today are:

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Railo Extensions Released!

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce now the availability of ContentBox as a Railo extension.  So any Railo powered server can now enjoy ContentBox with a few clicks.

Step 1: Log in to the web administrator of your Railo server

Step 2: Click on the Applications Menu item

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