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CFCamp 2011 Presentations

Luis Majano |  November 01, 2011

We are posting our slide deck and also our mobile demo code from our CFCamp 2011 presentations.  This was truly a great conference and had an absolute blast presenting.  Thanks CFCamp and see you next year!

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ColdBox Relax V1.5 Released

Luis Majano |  October 20, 2011

We are proud to announce yet another version of our open source RESTful assistant: ColdBox Relax - RESTful Tools For Lazy Experts! For those of you who do not know what ColdBox Relax is, here you go:

What is Relax? ColdBox Relax is a set of RESTful tools for lazy experts. We pride ourselves in helping developers work smarter and of course document more in less time by providing them the necessary tools to automagically document and test. ColdBox Relax is a ...

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