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Connection Recording: MockBox + Mocking

Luis Majano |  September 07, 2011

In this episode, Luis Majano and Curt Gratz team up to present on mocking, stubbing and testing with MockBox.

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Call For Testers: 3.5 Release

Luis Majano |  September 07, 2011

We are embarking on the 3.5 release roadmap and we have nailed down several updates already and our long awaited ColdFusion 7 and configuration XML deprecation.  So now is the time where we need help from the community to start testing out our development branch and report back any issues or performance gains they might have from this upcoming release.  We have seen very good signs of performance and stabili...

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ColdBox Connection Recording: MVC + BlogBox

Luis Majano |  August 18, 2011

We had a great presentation today by Tim Cunningham on the basics of MVC and ColdBox.  We also announced our private beta about BlogBox: A modular ColdFusion blogging and cms platform (more details to come).  So if you want to get a sneek peak into what's coming next, take a look a...

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ColdBox Connection Topic For August 18th

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2011

This Thursday our very own Tim Cunningham will be presenting on the following topic:

Understanding the underlying patterns of MVC

We will take you deep in to "Pattern-ville" to dissect what MVC truly is in terms of object-oriented principles.  ColdBox makes all this easy for you, but for you to truly understand WHAT goes WHERE you need to understand the patterns that make up the Model, the View and the Controller.

So see you Thursday at 10 AM PST at ou...

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ColdBox Connection: Revelation! August 18!

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2011
Just a little note that this Thursday's ColdBox Connection will feature a brand new Application Revelation from Ortus Solutions. We have been working hard on several new products based on ColdBox Technology and time has come for the first revelation. So stay tuned Thursday at 10 AM PST as we announce and walk through our killer application!
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ColdBox Training in Europe October 2011

Luis Majano |  August 10, 2011
This is an official announcement that we will be holding a 2 day intensive training October 26 and October 27 in Munich, Germany right before CFCamp2011.  You can find all the training details at the CFCamp website with their regist...
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ColdBox Connection Recording: ColdBox Interceptors

Luis Majano |  August 09, 2011
We have now posted our recording for the presentation Brad Wood did at the ColdBox connection regarding ColdBox Interceptors:

RIACON ColdFusion Powered Mobile Applications Presso

Luis Majano |  August 07, 2011
Here is the presentation in PDF format and also the source code of the demo we did today at RIACON for ColdFusion powered Mobile Applications.

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RIACON ColdBox Platform Presso and Code

Luis Majano |  August 07, 2011
Here is the presentation in PDF format and also the source code of the demo we did today at RIACON here in Washington, DC.  What a great conference and privilege to be part of this first conference.  I really recommend it and hope to be back next year with more great content!  As you will see from the presentation, we also announced our new Blogging modular platform, BlogBox that will be available soon!

Pre Adobe Max ColdBox Training, Choose!

Luis Majano |  August 01, 2011
Please help us out decide if we can do some pre-conference training before Adobe Max this coming October. ...
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