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RIACon ColdBox Pre-Conference Training

Luis Majano |  June 14, 2011
We need your help to see if we will hold some pre-conference training for RIACon this August in Washington, D.C.  So please fill out this small survey below so we can get an idea of what we will offer for the conference.  Each course retails at $895 per student with several discounts that will fly around.  Thanks again: ...
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ColdBox Platform Utilities v2.6 Released!

Luis Majano |  May 16, 2011
Version 2.6 of our Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension is now available.  This extension leverages more features about extensions from cfbuilder 2 that will blow your mind.  From having our debuggers embedded in builder, to documentation search views, ORM entity modeling and CRUD generation, to ForgeBox connectivity.  So do an auto-update or just
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